How to set up Waveform 9 to play from one track to all MIDI channels?

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Waveform Pro


A newbie question: I try to play a MIDI file in MPE format with Waveform 9. I use Roland SoundCanvas VA as a software synthesizer plugin. Unfortunately, Waveform 9 sends all MIDI information to just one channel. The different instruments get lost and all notes are played with just one piano sound! I have enabled MPE mode in Waveform 9, but I cannot change the output MIDI channels to "any" or "all", which I feel would solve my problem. Workaround is to import the file and split the instruments into multiple tracks, but I'm wondering if it is also possible to set up Waveform 9 so it can play from one track on all MIDI channels? Thank you for a hint.
Best regards, G.R.


It's normal with DAWs for all the MIDI on a single track to be directed to an instrument plug-in placed on that track, if there is one.

Confused about the MPE element. I was under the impression that MPE allows the use of multiple channels so that one channel plays notes and the others control expression, etc, of that sound.

There is a Waveform/Tracktion forum; I'm sure it has some threads about MPE or sending output from a single track to several others (I believe there was a recent (last few months?) one about such a situation: viewforum.php?f=22
[W10-64, T5/6/7/W8/9/10/11/12/13, 32(to W8)&64 all, Spike],[W7-32, T5/6/7/W8, Gina16] everything underused.


Confused about the MPE element. I was under the impression that MPE allows the use of multiple channels so that one channel plays notes and the others control expression, etc, of that sound.

If you're using an MPE controller, it polyphonically sends on multiple channels by definition*, and channel 1 is 'Global channel' reserved for some kind of under-the-hood data, not notes or controllers.

I ran into a problem using VE Pro to host their instrument, which thinks Port 1 means channel 1 so I was forced to use Port 2. As it takes everything either from 2 to up to 16 for use data, or the other direction, x (eg., 16) down to 2. With it believing I had specified channel 1, it balked.

So, using Note Expression in Cubendo enabled, the note itself carries pitch band, aftertouch, and CC74 as well as note on and note off. Note off velocity is Release, or it's called Lift or something. And these are all on different channels, polyphonically.
*: Monophonically it may all be on one channel. Here it landed as channel 7.

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