Fabfilter or IZotope?

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Which one do you prefer?


Neither but especially not iZotope


For music production Fabfilter hands down. I love FF's quality and workflow. I find a lot of the Izotope's stuff too gimmicky, but that's not to say it's bad at all.

For mastering tasks, it's hard to beat Ozone Advanced. The workflow is great.

For post-production audio and repair, etc. Izotope RX9 Advanced batters of the competition.


I adore FF , since I got their stuff, I love it. Really helped me out in areas I wasn't too good in. (Like Multiband compression, which I wasn't the best at)
Don't trust those with words of weakness, they are the most aggressive


Both. Ozone 9 Advanced for balancing the final mix, mastering etc. Fabfilter for eq, compression, saturation etc.


I agree both have their upsides. Although using a mix of both for mastering is sometimes necessary as i feel i need the visual aid in the EQ. Sometimes there's a subtlety that's hard to feel or see since my room isn't the best mastering environment that Q-3 can help with at times. All in all though Izotope got the game on lock with Ozone


I use both, but if i had to chose probably i'll stick with FF because they are more customer friendly and ofc the plugins have a very good quality


Short story: hands-down, FF.

TL;DR:I have a long history with iZotope going back to Ozone 3. I gave up on them at Ozone 5, they seemed to be going off the rails with their product/pricing strategy. Also Ozone was able to support my my abilities to a point but then I graved more; more colour mainly. And I was growing away from the integrated tool set. Ozone is ok but it doesn't have much character over-all. Generic sounding. Neutron was not for me - I prefer to do my own listening and mixing. I do like iZotopes creative products. FabFilter is just total "pro" quality stuff. I wont go into detail. Let me put it this way, I sold my non-creative iZotope products years ago. I keep my FF products - I have them all except the de-esser and gate (for those I opted for DMG, just... because).


This is not an easy question for me... I want to say Fabfilter (agree with Plexus) but as iZotope RX is essential for me and Fabfilter have nothing close to it, I may have to say iZotope.

Ozone and Neutron are incredibly powerful and you'll get more versatility than FF, from AI-assisted mixing to Pultec-curves, multi-band transient shaping to Codec previewing and frequency balance analysis. There is a lot on offer. iZotope are true innovators, there's no arguing with that.

But... when comparing apples to apples, Fabfilter's Pro-MB trounces all over Ozone's Dynamics module. Just one example.


Fabfilter is great. The one thing for Izoptope which is good is Ozone's AI for balancing a master.


Fabfilter for individual tools (overall... no competition with RX for example), iZotope as a system.


Lazarus451 wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:05 am Both. Ozone 9 Advanced for balancing the final mix, mastering etc. Fabfilter for eq, compression, saturation etc.
Frankie.T wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 1:18 pm I use both, but if i had to chose probably i'll stick with FF because they are more customer friendly and ofc the plugins have a very good quality
vitocorleone123 wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:33 pm Fabfilter for individual tools (overall... no competition with RX for example), iZotope as a system.
These pretty much sum up my thoughts. Personally, I don't find a lot of overlap in my needs between the two companies' products. I use both of their products in every single song that I complete.
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


I use Izo more than FF but these days I won't be buying more as their business direction isn't my preferred one.


I would pass on both (I would choose Fabfilter though) and try DMG Audio
Please don’t read the above post. It’s a stupid one. Simply pass.


For me personally Ozone’s workflow and very intuitive and makes the learning curve that much easier.

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