Can you help me - name that app

Chords, scales, harmony, melody, etc.
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I was watching a video (very bad me for forgetting what it was) and I would appreciate you're help in telling me what app or daw is that does this...

in the youtube video it that showed in score view notation that had 3 or 4 consecutive 8th notes
that then converted these notes into a chord and displayed the chord name under it. It implied that you could do this for the whole score. Not just chord by chord.

(the best additional description i can think of that might help is - sort of the inverse of an arpeggiator)

if the app was a daw it would have been in score view. I remember it being in notation view.

I've posted it here, music theory, as it's probably of a feature that is more of interest and relevance to theorists, then beat makers.



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Hello, I think you can do that easily with any DAW. For example, with Reaper : (

You can download Reaper, they have a 1 or 2 months trial version


Thanks for the reply,

but that not quite qhat i was saying. You see the example they give and one logic does too is if the chord notes are in the same vertical position beat, starting at the same position in time, and lasting the same duration. ie concurrent.

The one i'm looking for is if you ... Imagine 3 8th notes, each one next to the other, similar to a triplet, and hopefully you get a clearer picture. or even 4 notes 2 8th's and two 16th's again consecutively placed.



Check the history of watched YouTube videos and you will find it.


Was not logged-in to you tube when i saw it. So that good idea is a no.

Any others anyone? An App name would be nice : )


your web browser also has a history...
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