Most-tolerated Genre?

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I have a new techno album out today! <background sound of toy horn>

I was trying to show it off to a friend of mine, but his comment was "I've really got to be in the mood for techno."

...and I was like: THAT IS FAIR. It's true. It's repetitive and downright tedious to listen to techno if you're not in the mood. ...but then it occurred to me that I am very rarely not in the mood for techno. It's one of my "comfort foods" as far as genres go.

Which got me thinking...

What would you say is your "most tolerated" music genre? ...What style of music are you least likely to skip just because your mood is off at the moment?


Oh, uh... I forgot the shameless plug and the label would kill me if I didn't link to it, so.... here is my deeply-shamed plug. ...errr.... if you're in the mood for it.


The question behind the question needs to be asked:
Why do you make music? Is your ultimate goal to please the average listener?
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Jazz. It is simply a language I cannot understand. I do like jazz trios or quartets, and guitarists like Joe Pass, but that's about it. I can't tolerate rap/hip-hop, modern 'Soul/R&B' in the least. I avoid it like I would covid-infected people.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


Bombadil beat me to it. I've played in jazz bands, studied a bit of jazz in college, but I can rarely listen to it,... unless I'm in the mood, or if it's live.
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AFAIC "genre" in music is just an excuse to stay narrow-minded. I don't go for most of what they call hip-hop but actually there are a few people doing good work in it IME. I don't even know what borders a jazz genre is supposed to know from.
Was it here where I saw someone go on about how rock is so inclusive but jazz has to be some very narrow band of activity...
might have been a Youtube comments, same difference.

There are two types of music, one of them is when musicians love their job and know how to do it. The other one is far more prevalent as far as I can tell.


I fortunately never had parents dismissing music I gravitated to as a young person; except once, I was in a car with my father and Honky Tonk Women was on the radio. He insisted turn that down (or off) as it was country. Actually it kind of is. I see now why it was distasteful to him.

So there's a division there. I recorded my audition tape for music schools at Arthur Smith's studio (the man who wrote Dueling Banjos, got ripped off, sued and won), afaik a pure country player, but a good player who had good things to say about my playing.
I didn't put up a hard wall against that kind of music. I guess you could say 'tolerated it'. But later I found depth in some things.
Here ya go:


That's a great soundtrack. For me, the more synthetic it is, the more I feel alienated by it. I want to see/hear people who've learned their craft on real instruments. I want artists who can compose their own material, rather than having it written for them by committee. I use sampled real instruments and the occasional synth, but the sampled instruments are a necessary evil as I don't play orchestral and ethnic instruments. If I had the money, I'd hire real players. I don't.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


My 'go-to,' when I'm not listening to rock, is classical. Vivaldi, Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, DeBussy. I used to study while listening to classical music.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


Bombadil wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:50 pm That's a great soundtrack. For me, the more synthetic it is, the more I feel alienated by it. I want to see/hear people who've learned their craft on real instruments. I want artists who can compose their own material, rather than having it written for them by committee. I use sampled real instruments and the occasional synth, but the sampled instruments are a necessary evil as I don't play orchestral and ethnic instruments. If I had the money, I'd hire real players. I don't.
This is good to know; it explains the things you were saying in the AI-hate thread.

(I'm not saying this is a bad thing; it is not. Just that these things are related.)


i don't "tolerate" anything.
i enjoy the things i like, i don't listen to things i don't like.

it helps living alone. my ex wife used to play coldplay. i used to go and do some gardening.


vurt wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 6:29 pm i don't "tolerate" anything.
i enjoy the things i like, i don't listen to things i don't like.

it helps living alone. my ex wife used to play coldplay. i used to go and do some gardening.
Well, yes. I would be more aligned with this position. I've sampled the genres I don't like, said 'ok, that's not my thing.'
That said, I also like Tangerine Dream.
Funny anecdote, though! :lol:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


Some of the things I make, whether or not they reflect any reality or that, will have required me to hire a couple hundred people including those who'd have been able to make any record of the event. And still get nowhere near my idea.
Just recording a drum kit is extremely labor-intensive and if you're not going into an already set up situation, time-intensive and you're paying someone for their time that is going to get paid. Recording an orchestra? Oh sure.

Zappa spent millions a generation ago to have that occur and afterward preferred to enter data into a computer for a bit. What did the mature Synclavier cost (the one with enough RAM to use samples and record onto a hard disk)? I only have tens of thousands invested in the thing.
Last edited by jancivil on Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.


You have the musical background. You're one of the smartest people on this board. What you do derives from an aesthetic developed over decades. I respect your work, though it is kinda too esoteric for me.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.

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