I am Damo Suzuki

Anything about MUSIC but doesn't fit into the forums above.
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I believe every thread should devolve into character attacks and witch-burning. It really helps the discussion.


I used to be Bunnyboy many many years ago


I actually met Damo many years ago. He was playing one of his Network gigs and pretty much everyone there went to a party after, including Damo. So I've chatted to Damo Suzuki in a kitchen at a party.

By what I've read, he beat the odds, but it is obviously still very sad.
I used to be Bunnyboy many many years ago


He certainly walked the walk. Always improvised on the Network gigs and gave everything. My brother's band played Network gigs with him a couple of times and I think it's safe to say he never left anything on the pitch! He gave it everything. Proper star, RIP.

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