How do I use social media?

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I'm legit not interested in anyone or anything on social media, all attempts at following or engaging others feels fake. Only reason I want to use it is to advertise my own music, best way I see is to follow lots of ppl who are into the genre I like and hope they see my tweet / follow back, but it feels fake as heck doing that. I want to be one of those accounts with 100k followers and only following 3 people lol...

Should I start over on social media, and just post my stuff and thats it? How the frick will it ever get discovered??? Who should I follow?? Why should I follow?

if I decide to follow bands or artists I like, I'd easily follow like 500 ppl, and none would follow me back LMAO but what's the point? I'm not using twitter to keep up with them, I just want to post my songs on there, so maybe I should just be like following nobody? but then I look like a jerk wouldnt I? lol


I don't do any social media... Also I make tunes I wanna listen to because that's all that matters. Who gives a crap about others on the net 'listening'? How do you know any are really real?...What would it matter anyway?

Had a soundcloud free account for years but a year ago they started requiring 'email verification' for uploading. So I said 'delete my account & all my stuff' & they asked for confirm, I said YES!... They said 'OK account queued for deletion'. That was a year ago it's all still up so rubbing on my face & a bit of theft as well...

Luckily no 'good stuff' as I never put the best online ever, too easy to be stolen...

There's TONS of tunes everywhere for free & many people selling for pennies... People out there are bored with the mass of it. The time to do what you wanna do is over 20 years ago...

Make what YOU wanna listen to & forget the internet & artificial listeners just for what?... A dopamine hit? The internet is a boiling toilet....


I have to admit, I'm terrible at using social media for music, but I've made extensive use of it for our photography side gig and we built up 60K+ followers on Instagram. We gained the majority of those followers before COVID and actually got up to over 70K followers, but it has gone down since then due to Instagram removing bots/fake followers and my loss of interest and time in posting regularly. The two things you need to know about Instagram above everything else are: (1) you only get out of it what you put into it, so be prepared to spend a LOT of time following, commenting, etc. on other people's accounts if you want to get anything in return, and (2) the algorithm no longer favors you and it's VERY difficult to get a huge following unless you're a young attractive person doing the influencer thing and making stupid reels on a (literally) daily basis. I can't speak for TikTok, except to say that it might be a better option these days than Instagram. Your best bet is probably to have your music available on multiple platforms (e.g., Soundcloud, Apple, Spotify, YouTube), promote yourself across all the social media platforms, and live with your phone in your hand. Otherwise, the reality is that you'll be lucky to gain more than a few hundred followers at best.
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HREQ wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:52 pm Should I start over on social media, and just post my stuff and thats it? How the frick will it ever get discovered??? Who should I follow?? Why should I follow?

if I decide to follow bands or artists I like, I'd easily follow like 500 ppl, and none would follow me back LMAO but what's the point? I'm not using twitter to keep up with them, I just want to post my songs on there, so maybe I should just be like following nobody? but then I look like a jerk wouldnt I?
Up to you, so take some time to contemplate.


If you don't want to participate in other conversations, advertising is the only way to go. They are social media, and the only way to have some level of success with them is to socialize and give useful/insightful feedback. I'm not really into them, but over the years, I've gathered a 1K following on X (Twitter) and Facebook. My Instagram doesn't have that much because it has been hacked, and I had to create a new one.


HREQ wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:52 pm I want to be one of those accounts with 100k followers and only following 3 people lol...
Keep on dreaming... This won't ever happen automagically, you have to put in some effort & energy.

But lets start with some basics. Do you have anything of value to share there?
If not, that's not really an impediment... if you are prepared to sell your soul. Do you want to be part of the Kardashian economy? In other words: having followers just for the sake of having followers and monetise them bastards.

If you don't have anything to share, and it sounds like you're not prepared to sell your soul, then my advice is to let go of that dream and stay away from social media. It's clearly not your thing.

If you have something to share, you could let someone else that's better at it handle your social media.

I don't dare to ask whether you have decided on your moniker yet...
We are the KVR collective. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Image
My MusicCalc is served over https!!


>I don't dare to ask whether you have decided on your moniker yet...



how do i use social media?
well, is kvr audio one?
it is?
okay well, i log on
and type crap
it's really easy
ah böwakawa poussé poussé

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