A couple of new free VSTi's available

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion


We have a couple of new free VSTi's available for download on our site :

The Box

Developped by CC4.

A sustractive virtual synth.

Two bank switches to allow the combination of the sound from the oscillators
Four oscillators (A, B, C, & D) with variable waveshapes accessible through a panel control
Coarse and fine tuning controls for each of the four oscillators
Various filters with cutoff and resonance control for most of the filters
Three ADSRs for each oscillator to allow control over pitch, filter, and amp
Two assignable LFOs per oscillator
Pan and volume controls for each oscillator
An EFX A/B and C/D section with a choice of echo, flanging, or an additional LPF
Solid Mix control to allow for smooth mixing between the banks


A mono synth with step sequencer, good for generating 1 bar patterns.
Developped by Chickenman.

Wheel of Fortune

Algorithmic musicsystems as VSTi for Windows(tm) by H.G. Fortune

Last edited by kara on Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Thanks for the tease..........your server isn't
working! :shock:

Cheers....CL :oops:



bucodi wrote:We have a couple of new free VSTi's available for download on our site :Wheel of Fortune

Algorithmic musicsystems as VSTi for Windows(tm) by H.G. Fortune


YES!!! I wrote to HG about your site..so now the ORGINAL UGO skinned WOF is now available!!!!




bucodi wrote:We have a couple of new free VSTi's available for download on our site :

The Box

Developped by Jeff McClintock.
That's uh, CC4. Not Jeff. He probably wouldn't want credit. :wink:


OK updated on the site :oops:



Hi Tim,

I know you are one of THE sound designers for VSTI's 8)
Don't you want to contribute a couple of your free soundbanks to our Synth preset page ? :oops:

tconrardy wrote:
bucodi wrote:We have a couple of new free VSTi's available for download on our site :Wheel of Fortune

Algorithmic musicsystems as VSTi for Windows(tm) by H.G. Fortune


YES!!! I wrote to HG about your site..so now the ORGINAL UGO skinned WOF is now available!!!!





I really like 'Sequin' it is basic yes, but it has that instant playability :D .

I would love to see this further developed, a version that could be used to drive other synths would be great along with a few more parametres to adjust and a well laid out one screen view.

Some feedback from the developer?



bucodi wrote:Hi Tim,

I know you are one of THE sound designers for VSTI's 8)
Don't you want to contribute a couple of your free soundbanks to our Synth preset page ? :oops:

tconrardy wrote:
bucodi wrote:We have a couple of new free VSTi's available for download on our site :Wheel of Fortune

Algorithmic musicsystems as VSTi for Windows(tm) by H.G. Fortune


YES!!! I wrote to HG about your site..so now the ORGINAL UGO skinned WOF is now available!!!!


Hi...most if not all my patches are on Patch Arena.( you can do a search on PA for them I believe) Some are here at KvR as well. You have my permission to get em, and post 'em

Please include a link to AlgoMusic however. Thanks!Sometime I should have a page where all the patch banks I have done are on one page, as they really are scattered everywhere..and I have done a LOT of 'em!!



"Works here:"

Yes, the page loads but when I attempt to dld
anything I get a "server failure" mssg?? :o
Ok never mind....appears to have been a problem
with Download Accelerator. Thanks for the cool
VSTi's!! :love:

Cheers....CL :oops:


original flipper wrote:HI

I really like 'Sequin' it is basic yes, but it has that instant playability :D .

I would love to see this further developed, a version that could be used to drive other synths would be great along with a few more parametres to adjust and a well laid out one screen view.

Some feedback from the developer?

Glad you like it.


You're right, it is basic. I didn't want it to be a CPU pig so I kept the features down to a minimum.


As for a MIDI version to drive other synths; you're not the only person to suggest that, and I think it's a good idea too. However, I can't get it to work properly. I got a prototype to work in Tracktion once - well, kind of... It triggered the synth after it (Synth 1), but it still played the held note so you heard the trigger note sustained and the sequence together. I couldn't find a way to fix that. Also, when I was trying it out in Synthedit, it kept crashing my system.


As for more parameters to tweak, what do you have in mind..? I'm open to suggestions.


One screen might be possible, but I can't design a GUI for toffee, hence the "borrowed" knobs and paged panels setup.

These days I don't have much free time for making music and playing with Synthedit, so if anyone wants to help me out with this, please let me know.



The site's running slow but I'm downloading as I type.

WoF is a favorite of mine. I look forward to the other synths as well. See you're hosting BONES' synths as well.

Good man! I need to check if I have all the little killerz.
Reviews http://www.musicfaq.net
Selected tracks from new album TRAUMA :


Are you intrested in hosting my CrunkBall?


Sure, if you give me a link and a description for it.

Sicklecell666 wrote:Are you intrested in hosting my CrunkBall?


News !

Wheel of Fortune has been updated

10/1/2005 New update !

- 128 patches including 32 by Tim Conrardy
- Instant transposition via keyboard


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