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Support: 615-641-7200 / mixbus@harrisonconsoles.com

From its Nashville, Tennessee facilities, Harrison designs, manufactures and markets large-format, professional audio mixing consoles and software for international film and television production, post-production, broadcasting, sound reinforcement and music recording markets.

The first Harrison 32-Series Console was delivered in 1975, marking the first milestone in a long history of technological breakthroughs by Harrison engineers. Since its inception, Harrison consoles have been renowned for their technical superiority. Over 1,500 Harrison consoles have been installed worldwide, constituting a significant share of the overall world market for high-end audio consoles. Currently, approximately half of the installed user base are international customers, indicative of the reputation and acceptance of Harrison consoles worldwide. Harrison's dominance of the high-end market demonstrates that customers that require solutions to complex problems invariably turn to Harrison to provide the answer.

Mixbus was Harrison's first entry into the consumer DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) market. Launched in 2009, Mixbus is a full-featured DAW that incorporates many of Harrison's mixing technologies. Mixbus is developed in collaboration with the community-developed open-source Ardour community.

Mixbus differs from other workstations because it provides a full Harrison mixer with EQ, compression, limiters, saturation, metering, and other functions normally found on a high-end analog console.

Mixbus runs on all popular desktop computers (Mac, Windows, and Linux). Mixbus is intended to provide a bridge between the analog recording studio, the desktop computer studio, and the studio of the future, when computing power is ubiquitous and tiny, and differences between sound and worfklow become the defining advantages. With our deep history in music recording and deep knowledge of modern audio-for-video production, Harrison is in a singular position to provide this bridge.

In 2016, Harrison launched Mixbus32C, which adds the famous Harrison 32Series console equalizer to the Mixbus mixer, as well as 4 additional stereo buses.

The Mixbus product line also includes 12 highly specialized plugins for music recording, mixing and mastering. These plugins may be purchased separately.

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32 Bus
32 Bus
Channel Strip by Harrison
32 Bus, Harrison, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
32Classic Channel Strip
32Classic Channel Strip
Channel Strip by Harrison
32Classic Channel Strip, Harrison, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
AVA Tremolo Panner
AVA Tremolo Panner
Tremolo by Harrison
AVA Tremolo Panner, Harrison, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)Windows VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
Bass Flow
Bass Flow
Channel Strip by Harrison
Bass Flow, Harrison, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
De-esser by Harrison
De-esser, Harrison, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
Drum Flow
Drum Flow
Drum Mixing by Harrison
Channel Strip, Drum Flow, Harrison, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
Channel Strip by Harrison
FasTrack, Harrison, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)Windows VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
Legacy EQ
Legacy EQ
Parametric Equalizer by Harrison
EQ, Harrison, Legacy EQ, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
Mastering EQ
Mastering EQ
Mastering Equalizer by Harrison
Equalizer, Filter, Graphic EQ, Harrison, Mastering EQ, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
Micro Glide
Micro Glide
Chorus Effect by Harrison
Harrison, Micro Glide, Micro-Glide, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST3 Audio Unit LV2
Mixbus 10
Mixbus 10
Sequencer / Multitrack by Harrison
Harrison, Mixbus, Mixbus 10, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit LADSPA LV2


Mixbus 10 Plus

Mixbus 10 Pro

MPC Channel Strip
MPC Channel Strip
Channel Strip by Harrison
De-esser, De-Noise, Dialog, Film ADR, Harrison, MPC Channel, MPC Channel Strip, Post, Post Production, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
MPC Compressor
MPC Compressor
Dynamics by Harrison
Harrison, MPC Compressor, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)Windows VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
MPC Spectral Compressor
MPC Spectral Compressor
Multi Band Compressor by Harrison
Compressor, Harrison, MPC Spectral Compressor, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
Multi-Band Compressor
Multi-Band Compressor
Multi Band Compressor by Harrison
Compressor, Expander, External Sidechain, Harrison, Multi-Band Compressor, Multiband Compressor, Sidechain Compressor, Universal 2 Binary
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
Vocal Flow
Vocal Flow
Channel Strip by Harrison
Harrison, Universal 2 Binary, Vocal Channel Strip, Vocal Flow
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX
Vocal Intensity Processor
Vocal Intensity Processor
Vocal Channel Strip by Harrison
Channel Strip, Harrison, Universal 2 Binary, Vocal Intensity Processor
macOSMac Universal 2 Binary (Arm64)WindowsLinux VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX

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