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License & Installation Method

Life by Audio Vitamins

Thank you for your purchase.
Dave, Audio Vitamins


You can download installers using the following links.

Life OS X - https://www.audiovitamins.com/download/8386/

Life Windows - https://www.audiovitamins.com/download/8390/

Life UserGuide - https://www.audiovitamins.com/download/8384/


To register a copy of Life, please follow the below steps.

Online activation

If your computer is connected to the internet then you can register with the PurchaseID and PurchaseCODE that was emailed to you upon purchase and click Authorise.

Offline activation

If the computer that you have installed Life onto does not have an internet connection, you will need to activate Life from another internet connected computer or device. To do this, create an account on Audio Vitamins website, this can be done from any page by scrolling to the bottom and completing the registration form 'Join Audio Vitamins'. Then login and in the account pages you will see the offline activation page, enter your PurchaseID and PurchaseCODE, select the product you wish to activate, then click submit. It will then generate the unlock key needed to enter in the offline activation.

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