GForce has released important updates for Minimonsta2, Oddity3 and Oberheim OB-E. You can get the update by logging into your GForce account.
Changes in Minimonsta2 v1.0.2:
- Fixed Filter Type switch on Windows.
- Prevented notes from hanging indefinitely in Pro Tools.
- Improved VST and VST3 automation for keyboard mode parameter and the 6-step oscillator knobs.
Changes in OB-E v2.5.1:
- Fixed crashes surrounding group mode and copy/paste and exponential filter switch.
- Fixed "alt-A" crash.
- Fixed custom saves to quick patch memory "m" buttons in Windows.
Changes in Oddity v1.0.2:
- Prevented notes from hanging indefinitely in Pro Tools.
- Sync'd LFO no longer drift out of time when Aftertouch to LFO Rate is applied.
- Overlapping MIDI notes of the same pitch no longer use up additional voices.
- You can now XMod Glide times... for some reason.