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H9 Plug-in Series Bundle

H9 Plug-in Series Bundle H9 Plug-in Series Bundle H9 Plug-in Series Bundle H9 Plug-in Series Bundle H9 Plug-in Series Bundle
H9 Plug-in Series Bundle by Eventide is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin for macOS and Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin, a VST 3 Plugin and an AAX Plugin.

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Introducing the H9 Plug-in Series Bundle, an iconic collection of powerful effects from the H9 Harmonizer. Built for the modern producer, the H9 Plug-in Series Bundle has everything you need to reverberate, modulate, delay, crush, pitch shift and saturate your audio. Valued at over $1100 if purchased separately, this collection has some of the most sought-after Eventide effects. It's a must-have toolkit for all producers, engineers, sound designers and musicians who want to add expressive effects to their sound.

All H9 Plug-in Series feature the groundbreaking RIBBON control, which lets you morph the effect between two different settings. This makes automation for sweeps, transitions, and effect throws much more gratifying and simplified. Use a MIDI keyboard and gain control of the Ribbon via the mod wheel for a tactile advantage. Additionally, many of the H9 Series plugins offer unique performance buttons, so be on the lookout for "Freeze", "Flex", "Swirl", and the "Hot Switch."

{See video at top of page}

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