Xhun Audio : ResonHeart - mechanical synthesizer - updated to version 1.0.7 (sound design toolkit)

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The Woodcraft Kits Expansion (available now) for ResonHeart will sensibly speed-up the sound design process on this unconventional tone generator.

Here's a 5-steps, mini-walkthrough on how to use this Expansion :


Step 1 : the Expansion presets
Once installed, the Woodcraft Kits Exp presets will be accessible through the presets selector menu on ResonHeart

Step 2 : Start With A Blank Canvas
The first step is to select "Start With A Blank Canvas", so making ResonHeart ready for the design purpose

Step 3 : Select the main air pump motor response
Choose one of the ENERGY labeled presets to set the desired amount of air flow into the system

Step 4 : Set the Universal Helmholtz Resonators (UHRs) embouchure aperture
Just choose one of the PRESSURE labeled presets to set the desired amount of air flowing into the UHRs

Step 5 : Set the Universal Helmholtz Resonators (UHRs) internal volume/size

Just choose one of the TUNING labeled presets to set the desired internal volume/size of the UHRs

Step 6 : You're done !

If needed, make a few final adjustments to your ResonHeart patch and just start playing.
bruno @ Xhun Audio || www.xhun-audio.com || Twitter || Instagram


Not sure I understand how it works, it is rather unusual :)

I remember the resonator part of Retrologue 2, not sure it serves the same purpose, though...
https://1i5s4tzbutd13jf1u2ji31u1-wpengi ... -2-FX-.png


Very unusual indeed. Not directly comparable to Retrologue or any digital or analogue electronics device.

Think more... wooden :)

It's a fully acoustic, mechanical instrument, like a pipe organ. Full description here :

https://www.xhun-audio.com/site/xhun.ph ... resonheart
bruno @ Xhun Audio || www.xhun-audio.com || Twitter || Instagram


xhunaudio wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:32 am Very unusual indeed. Not directly comparable to Retrologue or any digital or analogue electronics device.

Think more... wooden :)

It's a fully acoustic, mechanical instrument, like a pipe organ. Full description here :

https://www.xhun-audio.com/site/xhun.ph ... resonheart
Yes, I had seen that, but didn't really know what to think of it.
I actually tried to download it, but the download kind of died in the middle of the file :hihi:


Where are we on an audio demo for woodcraft kits?


@e-crooner : downloads are ok, maybe that was a temporary network failure...

@masterhiggins : I think it's not possible to make an audio demo for Woodcraft Kits. It's not a common library, where you load a single (complete) preset and play it.

Woodcraft Kits is a construction kit. When loaded, each preset affects only a specific set of parameters of the whole mechanical engine, not all parameters at once. Then, you can load multiple presets and combine them (like a LEGO) to make your patch, in just a few clicks.

An example of how to use it can be found on this thread (page 12, above), but an "audio demo" doesn't make much sense, since Woodcraft Kits doesn't include "final patches" like other libraries.
bruno @ Xhun Audio || www.xhun-audio.com || Twitter || Instagram


Does that mean we can have presets which only affect a specific part and leave the rest as it is? That is a nice idea...


That's exactly how it works.

Load a PRESSURE labeled preset and only the UHRs (Universal Helmholtz Resonatos) embouchures will be changed/affected (in a way depending on the loaded preset).

Then, load a TUNING labeled preset and only the UHRs internal size/volume will be affected. The embouchures will be leaved untouched, as set by the previously loaded preset (the PRESSURE labeled one).
bruno @ Xhun Audio || www.xhun-audio.com || Twitter || Instagram


That's something I wish was more common with complex virtual instruments. In particular, those that have their own elaborate effects.


Indeed, ResonHeart patches are not too much complex to program, but since such engine (internally) works very differently compared to common synthesis systems, dealing with it may result a bit counter-intuitive for people used to analogue / subtractive synths.

So, here's Woodcraft Kits to speed-up and simplify the process of making patches in just a few clicks + manual refinements if needed.
bruno @ Xhun Audio || www.xhun-audio.com || Twitter || Instagram

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