Twangström Public Beta (Update: rev 8131)

Official support for:


Update 12/12: We've uploaded a new version (rev 8131) with display of base note (main resonance frequency) and switch for Notch/Bandpass for center of filter morph. Screenshots and more will follow in coming days.


This is Twangström, a flexible spring-reverb box-of-tricks. If you're familiar with Bazille you might already have come across its built-in spring unit. We took that one, and modelled two more reverb tanks, paired it with drive section, filter stage, envelope, and mod matrix.

In Twangström, tanks are based on 'physical modelling'. As opposed to plug-ins using impulse responses (IRs) of actual devices but being limited in expression and manipulation, our approach mimics the actual physics of mechanical reverberation. Thus we're not reproducing sonic results, we're actually simulating their origin. And it's all controllable in realtime, on a per-sample-basis. Which boils down to quite some power at your fingertips.


Features at a glance:
  • 3 different reverberation tanks, inspired by the most used ones built in the guitar & instrument amps that made rock 'n roll
  • a tasty drive & tone stage for heating-up and colouring the sound
  • a multi-mode filter, with variable type blend, stereo offset, and pre- or post-tank routing option
  • an four-flavours envelope stage that can pick up the signal from either input, output or external sidechain
  • LFO module
  • modulation matrix, for the fun part
  • and most important: shakeable springs

Twangström 8131 Mac
Twangström 8131 Win
Twangström 8138 Linux (freshly updated!)

Temp Serial Number:

user: Beta Tester
serial: SCJZ2-O69A6-5F4K-76V2

As always, we introduce new products with a discount during the beta period. Until January 7th 2019 it'll be available for 49€. Once released on January 8th (noon CET), price will be 69€: ... 0874580]=1


- Urs



thank you :)


sound sculptist


(updating website now... pic will be back in a second)


Let‘s *spring* to action, then, and help find any open issues 😊 to play with my music toys - library music production.


Urs wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 7:49 am
  • and most important: shakeable springs
Sure is .... * twangs strings like a crazy person * :D


Yey! :hyper:

You changed the look of all the knobs. They look more hmm...masculine. :hihi:

Wow sqigls posted first response in this thread 2 minutes after the first post - he's been waiting to pounce. Desperado :lol:
:hyper: M O N O S Y N T H S F O R E V E R :hyper:


Kewl! Let's dub the shit out of it! :phones:


LFO on Shake :D :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:


Oh this is so much fun! Combined with Bitwig's modulators and being able to automate the spring twanging.

First half hour in Bitwig without any issues, now let the hardcore betaring commence.

(betaring... is that a word? Actually, I don't care - I have twanging to do)


Im patiently waiting till some **** will make a thread "Twangatrom vs any other random reverb"
Last edited by Elektronisch on Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.


Wow, played half an hour with it and it sounds awesome! Will definitely buy it.


There is just one thing I don't get in the plug-in. What are the differences between the different envelope modes (EF/AR/AD/CYC) ?


Beautiful GUI, interesting and well made product

However after playing with it I cant find any real use for it in my projects.

Maybe I'am not hipster enough for spring reverbs so no buying this time.

Waiting for Zebra 3


Ivan_C wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:44 am There is just one thing I don't get in the plug-in. What are the differences between the different envelope modes (EF/AR/AD/CYC) ?
EF -> Envelope Follower (aka slew limiter), following Source

AR -> Rises to full value at rate A while Source is above Threshold, then stays there. Otherwise falls back to 0 with rate R

AD -> Once Source surpasses Threshold, it rises to full value at rate R, then falls back to 0 at rate D. Source surpassing Threshold level is a trigger here

CYC -> Does the LFO thing while input is above threshold level

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