What Ruins Music: Installers or Entitled Lazy People?

Anything about MUSIC but doesn't fit into the forums above.


Since Spitfire released their free LABS vsti plugins, I've seen many comments about people not willing to try the product because it has an installer. I downloaded the strings vsti, uninstalled the installer, and now I have one folder containing the samples and the vsti, and it is easily the best free strings plugin ever created (non-kontakt). And people aren't even willing to give it chance. I think it's really sad.

It hurts because it shows how entitled people are and how much they value the ease of creating music over the quality of the result. I really think it's a new development and it will ultimately destroy the integrity of music. Did Jimi Hendrix stop using Fender products because his Strat didn't stay in tune? Did Stevie Wonder throw away his ARP2600 because the wiring sometimes didn't work? Of course not, they didn't care about how difficult it was. They were real artists who only cared about making good music.

I just think there's alot of hate towards companies from people who feel the companies are obligated to appease the masses, even with free products! The fact that virtual instruments even exist is a fricken miracle. I think it's astounding that people won't even take an opportunity to make their art better because they think the process is too difficult. W.T.F. How is that even a thought? Wanna try something difficult? Try learning to play an instrument.
Last edited by royosho on Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.


nothing hurts music.
it feels nothing, only makes us feel.


First world problems ruin music. :P

BTW, what's "undownloading"? Sounds somewhat chinese.


chk071 wrote:First world problems ruin music. :P

BTW, what's "undownloading"? Sounds somewhat chinese.

returning a vst?


I figure he rather meant uninstall, but, not sure...


vurt wrote:nothing hurts music.
it feels nothing, only makes us feel.
Trippy. Listening to "End of the Beggining" atm.
chk071 wrote:First world problems ruin music. :P

BTW, what's "undownloading"? Sounds somewhat chinese.
lol, similar to "uninstalling". It's rantinese.



So i DID get it right. I agree with most of what you wrote in the OP, by the way. As i said, first world problems the people have. So much stuff, so little motivation. Even though i must admit that i hate installing stuff to install stuff as well.


Software is not free if you have to create an account before downloading.
These accounts are data gathering services where a lot of profit may be made.
These "download" managers that are so fashionable these days, are also data gatherers.
To use them, or not, that's our choice. The people that use them are no better, or worse, than the people who don't.
Each to his own, and who gives a sh*t.


Googly Smythe wrote:Software is not free if you have to create an account before downloading.
These accounts are data gathering services where a lot of profit may be made.
These "download" managers that are so fashionable these days, are also data gatherers.
I don't think you can really make that sort of generalization… download managers can be offered for a multiple of reasons. One being that it's a simple way of downloading and installing the plugins in your account, as is done with Native Access, e.g. And when the company obliges itself with not gathering data to anaylse it, or even offer it to third party, i don't think you can overly generalize the data gathering thing with a simple creation of a new account as well. Of course, it always seems a bit odd, when, even for free stuff (or especially for that), you'll have to provide your email address and all. At the very least, i'd expect them to send marketing stuff then. Not necessarily though.

The main problem, or "hurdle" here for people seems to have been the installation of a additional software, to download and install the software you actually want to use. And i can understand that. No need for a big fuss though, typically, i'll just refrain from installing. I know, it's more fun to rant and profile yourself on the net, but, hey, not everyone is into wasting his time with nonsense.
Last edited by chk071 on Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Undownloading would actually be uploading :D

Personally the first installation doesn't bother me as much as the updates of existing software. In many cases you can just install over the existing installation, but that's not always the case. Some times it's just messy.
Win 10 -64bit, CPU i7-7700K, 32Gb, Focusrite 2i2, FL-studio 20, Studio One 4, Reason 10


ATN69 wrote:Undownloading would actually be uploading :D
Only if the file is erased from your harddrive then. :lol:


Googly Smythe wrote:Software is not free if you have to create an account before downloading.
These accounts are data gathering services where a lot of profit may be made.
These "download" managers that are so fashionable these days, are also data gatherers.
To use them, or not, that's our choice. The people that use them are no better, or worse, than the people who don't.
Each to his own, and who gives a sh*t.
Haha, fair enough. However, I'll tell you why I give a sh*t. Because making music requires work. And if having to deal with installers and data gathering is the extent of it, people should be appreciative. At least they don't have to spend ten-thousand hours of difficult, frustrating work learning to play a real instrument.

However I don't really care about any of that, I'm not some hard ass who wants people to work for their craft because it's "the way it is". I care because people who are so entitled that they won't even attempt to download something that could potentially bring their work to a new level, are gonna produce crappy music. And the lazier people are, the less they try, the worse their music is. And I like good music. However Zeppelin and Zappa wouldn't exist if people didn't work through difficult situations.

To everyone who's saying its annoying. I agree. I'm not insane. I definitely wish I didn't have to install a million programs to simply make music. However I'm not saying people should be happy about it, they just shouldn't avoid an opportunity to possibly acquire a virtual instrument that could possibly change their fricken lives because they think it's too difficult. And the consensus from the comments section I'm referencing is that people won't even try. They aren't willing to search through pawn shops for that dusty old amp or rewire that broken synth from that garage sale. Know what I'm saying? It's a growing method of thinking that is making people believe it's ok to complain and give up because something is too challenging, rather than attempting to solve an issue that could possibly have an awesome reward. A reward for all of us - better music.


Last edited by Chapelle on Sat Oct 07, 2023 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.


Chapelle wrote:
royosho wrote:Since Spitfire released their free LABS vsti plugins, I've seen many comments about people not willing to try the product because it has an installer.
Where have you seen "many" of them? In the thread here at KVR, there's only 1 person saying he won't download it because of the app.

I fail to see a connection between quality of music and refusing to download free stuff, btw. The people who don't download free plugins might already have better commercial alternatives, after all.
https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2018/0 ... ent-230381

I saw a comment somewhere yesterday where someone was considering buying a kontakt instrument and there was a reply who said "From what I've read, Native Access is holding people hostage", so don't get konakt. WHAT?! I have Native Access, I don't like having an extra app on my computer, but it's no problem whatsoever. I don't even have to re-enter licenses when I reinstall libraries.

Another one is ilok. People make a big fuss about it. I have ilok, no problems, I don't even have to mess with it. It made sense to complain about it when it was a physical usb dongle, however now, it shouldn't be the deterrent that it is.

It has nothing to do with free vs. paid. If the best paid library was ilok, people would still say, "ilok, no thanks!" What if that library could take your music to the next level and change you life?! People aren't willing to even take an opportunity to try something because of their preconceived notions about the installation processes and licensing services. And that's mainly why all those companies have apps, for licensing purposes so people can't steal/duplicate their products.


Installers created for samples library downloads are data-collection schemes?
How does this work, technically?

Anyway, I use them if they work. Right now SonicCouture's just crashes instantly.
This is a funny thing to me. Look, if Spitfire has a demo product they give away to stimulate interest in their new player, and it costs no money? It's_Free. If somehow it does collect something off of my computer to see if I'm in the market, as google does, as FB does, it is no skin off my ass at all. That costs me nothing, in the literal sense of cost, and of nothing! Am I being exploited? It doesn't affect anything in my life at all. It doesn't stand in my way of me doing anything I'm going to do.

That THEY MAY PROFIT doesn't upset me, at all. It is how the internet works, which I'm actually subverting so much of anyway. So, sometimes I need to see an article and I have to whitelist the page in AdBlock Plus. Here's the ads I see now: VSL, NI, and like that. I'm so offended that the internet machines are watching me consume, in a consumer-driven society! I'm not being forced to consume VSL and NI or whatever it is. I shop for an audio interface at Sweetwater (which conveniently keeps track of my clicks even with no account log-in) and there it is sponsored in a FB post by them. Big Fvcking Deal. Yes, it's the 'price' I pay if you need that kind of 1st World Protest Pose, but the whole of it is CONVENIENT to me so I'm good with it. It does strike me as funny to see someone so proud of not being into politics is protesting THIS. Good. Grief. And there are people in the Spitfire LABS thread who may be helped by tinfoil hat ads, since everybody is out_to_getcha.

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