Zebra is quite interesting...

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I love using Vanguard and have Albino 2...just wondering, what makes Zebra different...and what is it use for mostly?

I love evolving sounds...pads...lush...and warm sounding synths.

Logic Pro 7 is my host.

Thanks for your comments.



Nobody has any comment? :)



I too love Vangaurd and Albino, but have heard very little about Zebra - Had to look it up.


Now I know why - it's soley mac. $199 seems a bit pricey too, but maybe it's worth it, either way I'll never know??? :shrug:

Curious as to why you're asking about it in the same breath with Albino and Vangaurd, as it appears to be an entirely different beast? (excuse the bad pun).



very much worth it; and it's about to be ported to PC as we speak ;)


Hmmmmmm.....Interesting. Hopefully with a demo. Please expound kind sir - why is it so "worth it"? What does it do that is unlike many lesser priced or free great VSTs?


just listen to the demo's for one I'd say....

and as for the worth it part; it will be a unique synth with amazing routing options. I've personally only heard zebra demonstrated once on a mac by the maker himself and it blew my mind. Knowing it will go to version 2 now too I simply cannot wait for it :hyper:


I'll wait for v.2 then...$199 is quite a lot...GB?



Yeah, just listen to the demo songs...

zai, you can download the demo version from my website. It's fully functional, but after 10 minutes it starts playing different notes than the ones you want it to play ;)

Version 2 is making good progress and it's gonna be out as VST Win on the same day as it's out for Audio Units.

Now, what makes it different?

First of all, it's a wireless modular synth. This means, you can build your own signal flow without having to drag annoying cables all over the editor window. You can do so as you play a note.

Next, despite being modular it's very efficient and easy on cpu.

Despite being easy on cpu it plays in the upper league of software synthesizers in respect of sound quality, musical character and flexibility.

Yes, it's a musical synth, not a product of an engineering attitude. It fits in the mix. It sounds organic. It's intuitive to use. It doesn't instruct, it invites.

And... Zebra is a pretty crash free thing. It's been used live on stage by many people including some quite famous dudes (check the opinions page on Zebra's website).

Doesn't mean that there's nothing like Zebra out there. There are certainly a bunch of comparable synths. Nevertheless there's some stuff that you can't do with any other synth.


;) Urs


mystahr wrote:I've personally only heard zebra demonstrated once on a mac by the maker himself and it blew my mind
when&where could that have been? :?

"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


I've been with Zebra since the pre-order for 1.0. It really is amazing! Check out the PC Port thread to hear a demo Urs made with just the oscillators from 2.0. No filters or anything and it sounds incredible! :)



You know, filterscape isn't half bad either.


Urs wrote:Doesn't mean that there's nothing like Zebra out there.

I strongly disagree, I have never seen a modular with such an elegant interface, low cpu, and warm sound!

And I know V2 (once it comes out in a few years) is going to blow the pants off of everything else and totally freak out the PC folks who just don't know!



Just wondering then, if I buy V1.5 now...how much will the upgrade price be? And how much are you planning to charge V.2?

I'm not sure if I should wait...or jump in now. :)



Thanks folks!!!

zai, the upgrade from 1.5 to 2.0 will be a maximum of 20$. The regular price will stay at $199.

I havn't decided on an introduction offer though. If there will be any special offer shortly before or after Zebra 2.0 comes out, everybody who bought 1.5 after May 1st 2005 will get the upgrade for free.


;) Urs

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