How do I assign the MIDI out port in Live with Pk Meter Pro?

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Peak Meter Pro question ..I use Live 5.2, I have two MIDI outs, both USB and when I go to the PM Pro Global Page, I can choose the parameter, the CC number, enable it and choose the MIDI channel , but how do I direct it out to the right MIDI interface port ...??? stumped here,

Brian :help:
If its too LOUD, you're too OLD



Thank you for your interest and your feedback.

Your issue is something closely related to the way Live works. We are going to install it here and have a look at it to see how it is supposed to work. Unfortunately we cannot test every possible host :). I presume you need to assign a MIDI track to the DPMP and then you will be able to set the MIDI output for it.

In the meantime (while we are working on it) you should maybe ask the question on how to re-route the output of a MIDI VST effect inside Live in the hosts forum (here at KVR) or ask the Live support how to do it, in case they answer faster than we do (they are supposed to know their product better than we do :wink: )

We will keep you informed as soon as we have the solution to your problem (and we will probably post a tutorial as well for Live users).


All right, I think I got it:

in my example below I have inserted the DPMP on audio track 3 (Rhodes). I then create a new MIDI track, and I select the "3-Rhodes" as input for this track. Since I only have the DPMP on this track it will automatically select it in the drop down box. You can then choose to which MIDI output you can send it in the "MIDI to" drop down box. This is a very 'quick and dirty' answer, I hope it will be enough for you to make it work... If not, just tell me, I'll post you a more complete tutorial.


Have fun!


well kinda sort of, here's what little I know

In Live there are Audio tracks and MIDI tracks, the only crossover is that VSTis (VST MIDI instruments) go into MIDI tracks, but their output is audio and routed to Audio...well DPMP is kindof backwards to goes in and MIDI comes out

so I tried as you suggested and put DPMP on wav clip on audio track 1 and then used Audio track 1 as the MIDI input to MIDI track 1 and then sent the MIDI out from that to my MIDI interface...the trick is you have to set the MIDI channel in 2 places to be the same , (1)for DPMP Global AND (2) to the MIDI out track from Live .....that seemed to work for a while with CC7 volume enabled on Peak Out synth volume was responding to the beat into DPMP ..but then DPMP would occasionally stop for a few seconds , usually after I moved the DPMP window or made some other change and more than a few times it left CC7 at 0 and no volume on my synth...

to top things off when I quit Live after experimenting, Live hung on Quit and then went to Blue Screen of Death, which I can not exactly blame on your plug in , but it hasn't done that in months, and I'm a tad suspicious

from my perspective , DPMP should get audio from either an audio track or VSTi output and then you should be able to set the MIDI out USB port from within your global setting only or conversely the output should be assignable to a channel at the Live routing ..but not in two places .I hope that is clear

this is too bad because I really want this to work, I use Live with 3-5 outboard synths and that envelope to CC assigment would be way way cool

I'll check back and say a little prayer, I hope you realize that Live is THE product for interactive live useage, way more than Sonar or Cubase, so it would be worth it to get it right....I'd buy it in a minute

If its too LOUD, you're too OLD


bcomnes wrote:In Live there are Audio tracks and MIDI tracks, the only crossover is that VSTis (VST MIDI instruments) go into MIDI tracks, but their output is audio and routed to Audio...well DPMP is kindof backwards to goes in and MIDI comes out
That's right.
bcomnes wrote: so I tried as you suggested and put DPMP on wav clip on audio track 1 and then used Audio track 1 as the MIDI input to MIDI track 1 and then sent the MIDI out from that to my MIDI interface...the trick is you have to set the MIDI channel in 2 places to be the same , (1)for DPMP Global AND (2) to the MIDI out track from Live .....that seemed to work for a while with CC7 volume enabled on Peak Out synth volume was responding to the beat into DPMP ..but then DPMP would occasionally stop for a few seconds , usually after I moved the DPMP window or made some other change and more than a few times it left CC7 at 0 and no volume on my synth...
This is a limitation of the demo version: it's bypassed for 3 seconds every 20 seconds, so it looks like the output CC value stays locked to a given value randomly...
bcomnes wrote: to top things off when I quit Live after experimenting, Live hung on Quit and then went to Blue Screen of Death, which I can not exactly blame on your plug in , but it hasn't done that in months, and I'm a tad suspicious
This never happened here, but every configuration is different. Maybe it's your MIDI output that does not like it. Did you try to stop the activity of the MIDI output before you close live? By the way what is your operatng system? Blue Screen of Death are not very usual on Windows XP... If you manage to come with a repeatable scenario we would be glad to check what happens and release a new version if there is a bug in our software.
bcomnes wrote: from my perspective , DPMP should get audio from either an audio track or VSTi output and then you should be able to set the MIDI out USB port from within your global setting only or conversely the output should be assignable to a channel at the Live routing ..but not in two places .I hope that is clear
This is actually a limitation of Live that does not let you choose "MIDI Omni" as output. On most other hosts you just setup the DPMP and you do not have to also setup the host output channel. There is unfortunately nothing we can do about it!
I'll check back and say a little prayer, I hope you realize that Live is THE product for interactive live useage, way more than Sonar or Cubase, so it would be worth it to get it right....I'd buy it in a minute
Yes, Live is a very good product for real time and live audio performance. I hope you will be able to set it up the way you want!


eXT is a very good product for Live use too, and DPMP works flawlessly there :). :P.


well I had a longer original reply but Comcast dropped my I will keep this shorter

1. thanks for the quick replies, you folks are way superior in that regard

2. Can I suggest you force demo users to see the limitations on runtime?a lot of VST denos do that I made an honest effort, but now that I know about the 20 second drop out thing, I feel better, I thought it was your plug in hammering my CPU or some other wierd compatibility issue

3. You should develop a ReadMe_for_Ableton.txt to review the setup issues and concepts, using the Out from an audio track as Input to a MIDI track isn't the most easy ting to get your head around ...Yes it's Ableton's terminology, but you should be able to coach your users through it, you'll sell more product I bet if you do.

4. I'm gonna buy it, I want what it does
If its too LOUD, you're too OLD


. Can I suggest you force demo users to see the limitations on runtime?a lot of VST denos do that I made an honest effort, but now that I know about the 20 second drop out thing, I feel better, I thought it was your plug in hammering my CPU or some other wierd compatibility issue
Do you mean showing a "demo" panel or something equivalent on the screen when it's bypassed? That's a good idea.
3. You should develop a ReadMe_for_Ableton.txt to review the setup issues and concepts, using the Out from an audio track as Input to a MIDI track isn't the most easy ting to get your head around ...Yes it's Ableton's terminology, but you should be able to coach your users through it, you'll sell more product I bet if you do.
We are working on an "Ableton Live" tutorial, as there is already a tutorial for Cubase and Sonar. The issue is that we cannot create a tutorial for every host on earth. But anyway the setup is in fact similar for every host: if you read the Sonar and Cubase tutorials you can see there is not much difference with what you had to do.
4. I'm gonna buy it, I want what it does
Glad to see that you finally could set it up the way you wanted.


The "Live" tutorial is now available here: ... letonLive/

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