I wonder..

Chords, scales, harmony, melody, etc.
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So I was zoning out the other day thinking about random things that might be useful, and an interesting concept dawned on me. I was thinking about the various chordal programs(we'll say for guitar) that are available to use for finding and learning about all the different chords. Well, these programs do not have much use for me, as I usually devise chords by the use of ears and not so much theory. ::please theory buffs don't hate on me, I appreciate theory very much and understand that it's integral to playing any kind of music:: But anyway, what if there was a program or some type of device that had a microphone which let you play your various chords into the mic and in turn would tell you the chord by measuring frequencies and such? Is this possible? Does something like this exist? I think something like this would be very useful, especially because I use a lot of various tunings and don't always care to learn the exact chord im playing.

I am quite bored. Just a ponderous thought. :)
"You must not only aim aright, but draw the bow with all your might."


There are polyphonic audio->midi programs. That solves the larger part of your problem.



Indeed. I mean the hard part of a program like that would easily be input.

But if you're doing it on guitar, you can count frets, and if you can count frets and you know your tuning deciphering the chord is just a matter of patience. I know, that's how I have to figure like 80% of chords on guitar. (let's see, E, F, F#, okay so F#, then thats what, A, A#, B, C, okay, so F#, C... etc.)

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