FR theme: Rendering

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this is imo too important to put it in any of the other threads:

despite there having been a long thread about I think rendering by far is still not there yet.

- crtl+r now is the shortcut for rename and it seems there's no shortcut for rendering at all

- even if there would be a shortcut: why is 'render to new track' now seperated from the other rendering-command? To be frank this does not make the slightest sense to me. Now you would need two shortcuts instead which makes learning shortcuts more difficult. Als it helps cluttering the interface as I have already mentioned elsewhere.

- in 1.x there were the options 'render between locators' and 'render selected parts' now it's 'render all' instead os selected parts. This is really a major decrease in workflow. With 'render selected parts' it was so easy to quickly create any mixdown but now you need to start soloing or muting tracks.

- I always requested this for 1.x but it never came and In XT2 it's still missing: there's no way XT2 could possibly know, whether or not I need to go through the track's faders when rednering. This totally depends on the respective individual situation hence I really need to be able to control this. In v1 I had to often fiddle with the faders when rendering - please Jorgen, spare me this - an option is direly needed here.

- as I already mentioned it makes no sense to me that 'render to new track is now seperated. In 1.x there was a target-dropdown-menu - very nice, very logical, very user-friendly - as XT2 is going to be an improvement over 1.x I would have thought you'd expand on that, Jorgen. Logical to me would be the additional option 'render to existing track' and if you'd choose this then another dropdown menu would appear which lists all the existing audio-tracks.

So in short:

I think the rendering-function should be identical to 1.x apart from (at least) the following two new options:

- render through the fader(s) / do not render through the fader(s)

- redner to existing track

As it is now it's not an improvement over 1.x but clearly significantly worse instead.

Sorry, but it's the truth.

And to be even more honest I am a bit disappointed that it's initially left unfinished, then worked at again many moons later just to stay unfinished yet again. I think the single features need to be brought into a final shape in which they can stay for XT2 final without us having serious reason to complain anymore. That way the whole application is going to stay a permanent building site which imo needs to be avoided.

(I pity the poor soul who's attempting to write the manual for it :hihi:)


Dang - I always sound so negative - should I feel bad? :oops:


jens wrote:Dang - I always sound so negative - should I feel bad? :oops:
Nah, you're just like a japanese mom getting pissed off at her kid for only getting a B+ ;)

good points there

and what the hell happpened to the render bar, that thing was cool, could have been a workflow gem...
Last edited by disturb on Mon May 28, 2007 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.


hi, lots of good points jens. yes render options should be more flexible and where they are placed should be in the same menu {and on the right click menu imo} so not nagative but important



disturb wrote: Nah, you're just like a japanese mom getting pissed off at her kid for only getting a B+ ;)

I really think improving this stuff is neccessary to really bring XT2 up to the next level of user-friendliness it imo deserves (and needs to reach more non-geeky homes).

I absolutely believe in the importance of strict quality control - even if this means being a constant nuisssance.


jens wrote:Dang - I always sound so negative - should I feel bad? :oops:
not negative but rude.


yes quite to the point jens :D

but i agree with your points!!

mostly render to new track being separate to normal render



jens wrote:- crtl+r now is the shortcut for rename and it seems there's no shortcut for rendering at all

but you're right, there's not one for 'render to new track' which should of course be in the same window anyway
wrongtastic, baby
tucson's number one gothic rock band since 1995


engine wrote:
jens wrote:Dang - I always sound so negative - should I feel bad? :oops:
not negative but rude.
not my intention at all - a language barrier then I think... :?


insertpizhere wrote:
jens wrote:- crtl+r now is the shortcut for rename and it seems there's no shortcut for rendering at all

but you're right, there's not one for 'render to new track' which should of course be in the same window anyway
ah - yes indeed :dog: - the render-dock has been removed but F5 still calls the rendering-function


actually im glad this has gotten the attention of usability inspector jens :hihi:

whats funny is , I've made a couple of posts about this in the various usability/still missing nag posts....

it seemed odd to me that jorgen would have two separate rendering options, in two separate menus....

perhaps he's gonna make render one option in the future (imo the best way, just like in XT1.x --if NOT, the render options need to be in the same menu, and both should have a key-call respectively

i personally would not mind hitting F5 for render to "file" and then F4 or F6 etc... for render to "new track"
i am me and i am free...k thx bai


jens wrote:
engine wrote:
jens wrote:Dang - I always sound so negative - should I feel bad? :oops:
not negative but rude.
not my intention at all - a language barrier then I think... :?

I just want to add that it's really difficult for me to walk the thin line between sounding impolite and not making clear how important I consider something. Most of what I wrote concearing rendering here in this thread now I already mentioned numerous times before - but things tend to get lost so easily - so when I consider something to be really important (for XT2's success as well as for our comfort) I start my typical rant threads about it in the hope that people back me up so while Jorgen might not feel too charmed by it he gets important info from it. It's so easy to overlook the important stuff in the flood of feature-requests (that's the main reason why I'm not too much a friend of public beta-testing - 'Zu viele Köche verderben den Brei' as a German proverb says ('too many cooks spoil the meal'))


AllenPOPO wrote: usability inspector jens :hihi:

I like! :-D :hihi:


Bah, you just get to the point. This is all about making XT2 better. I'm guilty also.
jens wrote:
engine wrote:
jens wrote:Dang - I always sound so negative - should I feel bad? :oops:
not negative but rude.
not my intention at all - a language barrier then I think... :?


jens wrote:('too many cooks spoil the meal'))
not to mention a good orgy!!!


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