Sampler aliasing comparison

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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Just curious to hear some comments on this.




High quality interpolation pitch shifting schemes cost CPU. You only need this when you don't put a sample on every key. Or, just use a sample for every octave. Or use a sampler with cubic interpolation and take the CPU hit.
The bundled sampler patches in Orion usually (not always) have a sample in at least every octave, and it has some good sounding instruments( I've always liked the basses) .
This test is just showing what happens with a paticular scenario in order to show their product in a certian light . Thats OK , but its only one piece off the puzzle , whether it is a gigantic factor depends on how the implementation takes place.
Samplers are at there best when trying to reproduce natural instrument ( because all the synthesis tricks in the book still can only do this so well ). You need a s-load of samples with velocity scaled layers to do it effectively.
For example , I have EMU emulator X , and there are a few basses that only use a few samples , but the high quality inter-polation coupled with lots of good envelope programing make them sound very good . They , however , pale in comparison to scarbee Black Bass on Kontakt. ( which has muy ,muy velocity layered samples, reacting to velocity as well as key switching and using scripting .

End comment



I've used VSampler for several years now. I've known about these tests. I have a large, very old Akai library and VSampler handles the Akai CD-roms better than any other sampler.

Peace: bubba

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