First ManyBass song

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Oh man I am soooo excited with this thing :hyper:
I just finished a new tune with it.

The Gift

I know I still have lots to learn in order to make it sound as good as it is capable of, but now I can finally record those Michael Manring basses I had a hard time showing my friends how to play. I can record this thing and send it over to Rick in Australia and he will have a clearer idea of what I meant.
Thanks a lot Paul for such a great instrument :tu: and for the special offer :clap:
Back to finish another tune.
BTW. The other synths used are Manytone for the acoustic guitar and Sytrus for the strings and Rhodes-like Piano all inside FL8.
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That is super cool German

A very different use of ManyBass than I have heard in the past.
Interesting blend of notes, harmonics, tones and progressions that are very non typical but really sound cool together. The more I listen the more I like this! Thanks for posting it. Great track!


Thanks for the comment Paul.
The more I study this synth/instrument. The more amazed I am. I just have to spend some more time reading the tuts and watching the video to control all the real capabilities.
Later :tu:
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I think this deserves a bump so others can hear it.

It really is quite different, yet very enjoyable!
Thanks again German!


This is madly one of the nicest pieces of music I've heard in a very long time. Absolutely warm, dreamy and beautiful. Fantastically produced. I'm so glad it was bumped, I would have missed the thread, and this is an incredible story.

Harmonix R spirituaL
Fascination is Easy.


ckatrun411 wrote:This is madly one of the nicest pieces of music I've heard in a very long time. Absolutely warm, dreamy and beautiful. Fantastically produced. I'm so glad it was bumped, I would have missed the thread, and this is an incredible story.

Harmonix R spirituaL
Fascination is Easy.
Thanks for the comment 8)
I'm currently working in a new tune that will be more structured and fast paced. Hopefully it will be ready in a week or two as soon as I figure how to automate the different instruments within FL.
I will post the link here as soon as I have it done. :)
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That's cool, although not my style, I am more into heavier stuff, but it is well done, and what you did with ManyBass sounds really good. Look forward to hear the next one you spoke about. :tu:


jinotsuh wrote:That's cool, although not my style, I am more into heavier stuff, but it is well done, and what you did with ManyBass sounds really good. Look forward to hear the next one you spoke about. :tu:
Thanks for the comment.
The faster track will have to wait as I seem to be in a soft mood lately and even though I have the general chord prog and basic idea layed out. I can't seem to make the tune come alive. I have added Manybass to some older song meanwhile and wrote another mellow Piano/short synth/bass tune that will be finished as soon as have some free time from work.
Thanks again 8)
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Have been listening to your tune during a rare visit to this forum. Very nice work, and a pleasure to hear now during morning coffee!



RWaldo wrote:Have been listening to your tune during a rare visit to this forum. Very nice work, and a pleasure to hear now during morning coffee!

Glad you liked it!
Have some more tunes, but they are still on the works.
Thanks for listening and commenting 8)
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