question about payment

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I tried to order the Novachord Kontakt package just a minute ago.

While the website states the price is 89 EUR, the Paypal payment is always 120 USD, which is 97 EUR. There is no option to pay the price in EUR, even though it is advertised like this on the Hollow Sun Website.

Can I just send you 89 EUR via Paypal because this is the price mentioned on the website ?

I would need you paypal e-mail then, maybe as pm.
Or some information how to proceed.


Damn these fluctuating exchange rates!! Image

The price is $120 (which is why it's marked in bold) - I put the ££ and €€ in there just for convenience to save people having to do the calculations. It didn't occur to me at the time that exchange rates would fluctuate so much so quickly (I should have guessed with the economic mess though!). I should remove those alternative currencies.

My reseller can only take $USD (pain in the arse for me too because I have to pay for it to be converted to my £UKP currency!).

I shall take a solution to your particular problem here to PM if you don't mind.




Hi Steve, good to sort things out that way.

I agree it would be best to only mention the payment option in USD if that is the only currency and amount it can be paid in.

Looking forward to the Samplepack, nice doing business with you.


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