TX16Wx 2.0 Release Candidate (2012-11-02)

Official support for: tx16wx.com


DarkStar wrote:
elcallio wrote:
DarkStar wrote:I'm getting an "Address out of bounds" error message (no more details) when I re-open a project saved with rc1 in it.
That error message indicates something broken with a RIFF structure somewhere, either in DAW chunk or a WAV. Does this happen always, or a specific project?
Can you provide me with the sound files / bank / DAW file?
Happens in energyXT v1 with only an empty TX16Wx loaded. It's OK in other hosts.
Seems eXT gives unaligned memory back to the plugin when restoring state. While not explicitly forbidden by the standard, its not exactly great practice. Ouch. Somewhat scared of handling that...
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Not urgent - put it on your "to do later" list. ;)
elcallio wrote:About the MIDI file thing. Its because I made a boo-boo when I fixed the midi channel thing in export (as per your request ;-) ) There's a mismatch between Note on and note off. Bwahahahaha.
Oops ;)
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
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Any hope for the soundfont preview :
http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic ... 08#5101008
I dont want to load huge banks if i only want to load the first kit :)

Also, I would like to save the used samples in current project folder.
I use reaper and i know its possible to do that, as reaper passes the project path to the plugin.



geoslake wrote:Any hope for the soundfont preview :
http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic ... 08#5101008
I dont want to load huge banks if i only want to load the first kit :)

Also, I would like to save the used samples in current project folder.
I use reaper and i know its possible to do that, as reaper passes the project path to the plugin.

Soundfont preview will not be in 2.0, you will have to wait for a later version for that. The reason is simply that it is a rather big thing to write, it will have to wait a bit. I'd suggest that you simply convert your sound fonts to TX banks! ;-) (Though SF2 conversion keeps getting better by the release, so don't delete them!)

To save files in the project dir, turn on settings: "save waves in project". This will save _modified_ waves in the project. To force _everything_ to be saved there, also turn on "save all waves in fxb".
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


I did check "save waves in project", but it didn't save anything in the project folder...


geoslake wrote:I did check "save waves in project", but it didn't save anything in the project folder...
Again, if you don't enable "save all waves in FXB", only modified waves will be saved (which might be none if you don't do sample edits).
Samples are stored in a subfolder to the project "TX16Wx\<project file name>"
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


DarkStar wrote:--In energyXT v1, an "Address out of bounds" error message (no more details) when I re-open a project saved with rc1 in it.
-- MIDI export generated notes with lengths of 0 (actually shown as -1 in energyXT, but I think its calc is one adrift)
-- MIDI export was OK for the second groove, there were no Note Offs and the channel number (03) was not used, they were on channel 01
All fixed in RC1 (05 November) :tu:
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
Inspired by ...


Ah ok, makes sense, a bit annoying as i prepare my samples in an audio editor, put them on the desktop when ready, and drag them onto the sampler, but i guess i can remove one sample at the end to make it "edited"...

elcallio wrote:
geoslake wrote:I did check "save waves in project", but it didn't save anything in the project folder...
Again, if you don't enable "save all waves in FXB", only modified waves will be saved (which might be none if you don't do sample edits).
Samples are stored in a subfolder to the project "TX16Wx\<project file name>"


geoslake wrote:Ah ok, makes sense, a bit annoying as i prepare my samples in an audio editor, put them on the desktop when ready, and drag them onto the sampler, but i guess i can remove one sample at the end to make it "edited"...

elcallio wrote:
geoslake wrote:I did check "save waves in project", but it didn't save anything in the project folder...
Again, if you don't enable "save all waves in FXB", only modified waves will be saved (which might be none if you don't do sample edits).
Samples are stored in a subfolder to the project "TX16Wx\<project file name>"
Again, just turn on "save all waves in FXB". Then all waves, modified or not, will be stored in the project subfolder
TX16Wx Software Sampler:

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