Sound Rider Support Thread - Updated to : V0.81

Talk about all things "KVR Developer Challenge" related.


Hi, a thread for support of my Sound Rider plugin. I will keep this first post updated with versions and known issues etc.

Note: while feature requests will be considered in the future I cannot add features until the contest is over (those are the rules).

Version 0.81, uploaded 18th November 2012
- Fixed an issue where some hosts were not recognising SR as a plugin
- Some minor bug fixes

Known issues
Save to host not fully working

What to do if you find a bug
The main thing is that I get full details of your operating system, DAW and if you are using the 32 or 64 bit version of the plugin. Also check out the help page:

Sound Rider also has some in built debugging tools. Go to Settings and click the Debugging button. On return to the main screen the text area now has some debug controls including 'Show Log' which displays a log over the window which could be very useful in tracking down problems:

Warning: if you enable the debug pane and click on the generator it will produce a full volume sine wave, so turn your speakers down first - you have been warned :)


In addition Sound Rider writes a log to your documents folder.[/b]
Last edited by Keith99 on Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:58 pm, edited 7 times in total.



I wonder if the problems aren't mostly related to performance?
On my system Ableton Live was running with almost 99% CPU usage as soon as wave rider was active.
When I activated any additional features I started to get Audio Dropouts.
I like the plugin, but I wouldn't be willing to spend that much CPU-Budget on it.

Not sure if something can be done about it?

Good luck!


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
ScreenDream | Instagram | YouTube


Hi tom, yes you are probably correct. My focus was to get the features in place and working first and then to look at optimisations so I am sure I can reduce the CPU usage quite a lot. I will get to it :) Be interested what FPS you get?


It felt very fluid - I'd have to check the fps the next time I try it out.
I don't have a superfast machine and an older GPU, so that may be part of it.


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
ScreenDream | Instagram | YouTube


I love this thing... not for its practical usage, but it just looks awesome. I did not notice a place to change colors, but it would be nice if one could. ;)


Thanks vaisnava, I thought about the colour changing as well but I just ran out of time to add it. Maybe once the competition is over.


sound rider freezing FL studio 10,8(latest Beta)

my system win 7 64 bit
tried both 32 bit and 64 bit versions both freezes FL


Thanks S-N-S, that is not good and needs to be the first thing I try to fix. Do you get a log generated in your Documents folder (Sound Rider Log.html)? Also does it happen as soon as you load the plugin or just when you open its editor?


pm sent


Just downloaded the FL demo, Sound Rider showed up al right but then froze things for a bit then unfroze. I now have a log from it so I should be able to solve this issue.


I found and fixed the problem, just testing it again. FL was sending very small blocks of data, smaller than any other host I had used, unfortunately that opened up a bug in my FFT code. Its now fixed and I will put a new version up soon. Probably a good idea to set up Sound Rider with a bigger buffer (I think you can do this in FL) to get better results.


Good man, I'll try it Thursday if it's up and running. Thanks in advance.


A lot of us stick with ASIO4All and find a buffr size we are happpy with and there is also the option to use fixed sized buffers in the Fruity Wrapper.

More info in; Help > Wrapper - Settings tab


Good I hoped there was. I had never seen anything like FL it was changing the size from as small as 8 samples up to maybe 300 odd where as Cubase, Reason, Live etc. all stick at the same amount each time. Anyway this is all good learning for the future. I wont be putting a fix up just yet as it is late and I am bound to make a mistake. I also need to rework the averaging code which , naively as it turns out, depended on the buffer size being fixed (at least over a minimum period).


Right I have put version 0.65 up. Sorry for the delay but the issue in FL Studio raised some potential problems I had not thought of and may explain the other couple of people's problems. Let me know if it works ok! Oh by the way performance should also be improved.

Verson 0.65
- Fixed problems when running with low buffer sizes (especially under FL STudio)
- Fixed the averaging, values are now in 10ths of a second
- Performance improvements

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