Cantabile and Kirnu?

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Hello, mostly a newb here (but learning)! I've posted this on a Kirnu thread in KVR also. My dilemma is with using the free Kirnu arpeggio sequencer and Cantabile. I LOVE it for its ease of use, but the sequencer seems to be stopping (hanging on a single note) about 25% of the time. Keying another note or just waiting a few seconds before keying another note seems to start the sequencing again, but this obviously will not work well in live performance situations. I cannot seem to narrow the problem. I've read previous issues with a "hang bug" in Kirnu, but thought that most of those were fixed. And, none of the workaround solutions apply to my VST host. I hope that this is just a configuration issue somewhere. Here is my setup:

Windows XP SP3 (Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8GHz, 3G RAM)
Cantabile Lite - VST host
ASIO4ALL - driver
Alchemy Player - VST soft synth (using Grand Piano instrument in this example)
Kirnu 1.2.1 - VST arpeggio sequencer
Keith McMillen 12-Step - MIDI foot controller

I'm not seeing any obvious CPU or memory performance problems. I've tried Kirnu with a couple of different VST synths/instruments and observed no change in behavior (still hangs/stops). I've also played with Cantabile latency settings, but that does not seem to help either. I only have a virtual keyboard (via computer keyboard) or a MIDI foot controller...I do not use/have a MIDI piano fingerboard. I will say that I cannot get the problem to replicate using the Cantabile virtual only happens when using my MIDI foot-controller (Keith Mcmillen 12 step). The KM 12-step MIDI controller executes 2 or more MIDI notes (up to a max of 5) simultaneously with one a single foot-button press. My hunch is maybe Kirnu cannot efficiently handle 2 or more MIDI note keys sent to it at the exact same time? This is mostly just grasping at straws though. Maybe there is configuration setting in either Cantabile, Kirnu, KM 12-step controller, or ASIO4ALL driver? Thanks in advance for your help!


I don't think your problem has to do with audio, so you can strip off asio4all and related settings. These would more likely show up by audio crackles and similar effects.

In other words I guess it's a midi flow issue. As you are using Cantabile Lite I have no idea how to play with host settings. The commercial versions have an option with audio settings called "constant midi latency" to play with... but I suspect the arpeggiator plugin you are using could be really prone of having trouble dealing with note events that come in exactly at the same time - something that never happens when you play notes on a keyboard manually.

Maybe your foot controller can delay notes a bit to each other?

You can of course try the commercial 30 days Cantabile demos too - but to be honest I doubt that will help to your specific problem. :-o
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


TiUser wrote:I don't think your problem has to do with audio, so you can strip off asio4all and related settings. These would more likely show up by audio crackles and similar effects.

In other words I guess it's a midi flow issue. As you are using Cantabile Lite I have no idea how to play with host settings. The commercial versions have an option with audio settings called "constant midi latency" to play with... but I suspect the arpeggiator plugin you are using could be really prone of having trouble dealing with note events that come in exactly at the same time - something that never happens when you play notes on a keyboard manually.

Maybe your foot controller can delay notes a bit to each other?

You can of course try the commercial 30 days Cantabile demos too - but to be honest I doubt that will help to your specific problem. :-o
Okay, yes, that makes sense. I will look into the controller. That was my hunch, but since I'm a newb to MIDI, I was not sure. Helps to have someone with experience weigh in. Thanks!


well, that's just my best guess, I don't use the plugin you seem to have trouble with and the problem looks to be a bit delicate to track down...
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


Just in case anyone is watching this with the same Kirnu issues, I found a potential workaround. In my case, I only wanted to arpeggiate two notes (which were not always being executed by the Kirnu). I enabled the Pattern button in Kirnu, limited the number of steps from 16 to 1, and then adjusted the On Beat knob. This must have made the incoming notes manageable by Kirnu, because the notes are nice and stable now...everything is arpeggiating(sp?) fine. This may not work for more complex scenarios, but works like a charm for this one!


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