quick - I hope - purchase question for group buy

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I'm taking advantage of the group buy to upgrade my CS2 and Pop/Rock Strings libraries. On the product pages there are two upgrades listed, one for the "wav" version and one for the "ncw" version. I purchased the "wav" version, but subsequently compressed the libraries.

Begs the question - which version do I purchase?

Asking here in case I'm not the only one!


Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
~Albert Einstein
"I am not discouraged because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward."
-Thomas A. Edison


I think I would get the "Compressed" version. AFAIK, the difference is what the new nki files reference. But, if you get the "Missing samples" dialogue, you can always select "Allow alternate file types":
Allow Alternate File Types: This option allows you to ignore the audio file extension and resolve missing samples with alternative file types with the same name. For example, if you had an instrument which referenced uncompressed WAV files, but at some point you compressed the files to NCW format, you can reference the NCW files in place of the WAV files.
Or, hang on for the official word.
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
Inspired by ...


wst3 wrote:I'm taking advantage of the group buy to upgrade my CS2 and Pop/Rock Strings libraries. On the product pages there are two upgrades listed, one for the "wav" version and one for the "ncw" version. I purchased the "wav" version, but subsequently compressed the libraries.

Begs the question - which version do I purchase?

Asking here in case I'm not the only one!


Hi Bill. Not sure if you already installed ESA, but if so, it's likely you should get the compressed version since it will look for the .ncw files and not .wav.

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