2.2.1 - New version, some bugfixes

Official support for: tx16wx.com
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Hello all.

Perhaps no one was truly surprised that version 2.2.0 had a few issues that the beta testing group did not stumble upon, but you, my lovely general audience would quickly find. Alas, red-faced by embarrassment, I have to bite the sour apple (as we say in Sweden) and provide you with a quick bug-fix update

Version 2.2.1
  • Fixed linkage problem on XP
  • Fixed hanging issue on some Windows systems
  • Fixed drawing issue on some Windows systems
  • Fixed AU naming issue on OSX
  • Fixed AEG/Time modulation affecting attack
  • Fixed crash saving settings
Download from http://www.tx16wx.com/

I suggest you update as soon as possible.
Happy sampling
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Thank you for the new version.
With the new theme-friendly GUI, do you plan to add some more colorschemes / alternatives GUI in a near future ?


If I have time. Which is my polite way of saying, not very soon. ;-)
But there is documentation and an example skin. I am sure someone clever can figure it out? :-D
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Ah ah, ok, yes i guess it is not top priority and i understand that ;)

But please, please, please, why do we HAVE to install the software in order to be able to read the manual ? Isn't it possible to add a simple PDF on your website so that i can read the manual on any computer (even if don't have the admin rights to install a software) ?

Did you consider making an open call to skin designers in order to make some nice skins ? There are several on KVR (LimeFlavour being one of them), or on the Reaper forum.


Quick suggestion for the installer, Calle - could you add a checkbox for "don't add Start Menu items"? Thanks! :)


sinkmusic wrote: But please, please, please, why do we HAVE to install the software in order to be able to read the manual ? Isn't it possible to add a simple PDF on your website so that i can read the manual on any computer (even if don't have the admin rights to install a software) ?

Did you consider making an open call to skin designers in order to make some nice skins ? There are several on KVR (LimeFlavour being one of them), or on the Reaper forum.
I've been meaning to do it for some time now, finally the manual is in the download section at least. It should be in the "about" as well, but I don't have time for webbing right now... :-P

As for skins, well, I don't know what an "open call" would entail... the bottom line is that since I don't make any money from this project, I don't have any to pay to people for artistic work. If anyone does it just for the fun of it I am overjoyed, but...

TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Hi, thank you, Calle.

Tx16w v2 is such a huge beast, packed with features, that having the manual close to me helps me to understand the software better, and improves the workflow ;)
(I was even ready to suggest that the PDF manual could pop up when clicking some zone on the plugin's GUI).

I know that several graphic designers used to work for NFR licences, and enjoyed doing eye candy job for small, independant developers...
On KVR, Nick Moritz, LimeFlavour, Grymmjack and several others have made some nice graphic work in the past : it could be worth asking ?
The overall GUI of tx16w is well laid-out, but i feel that a bit of polishing for the icons and knobs could make the software even more fun to use :love:

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