Spectral: saving patches corrupts browser operation

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When I save a patch into the "my presets" bank, subsequent operation of Spectral becomes unreliable, beginning with the browser not operating correctly.

I am using 64-bit Spectral in Sonar X1D.

After I save a Spectral patch to the "my patches" bank, I can no longer open the bank browser by selecting the current bank name in the bottom toolbar. If I select the patch name, the browser will open, but selecting "bank" in the browser has no effect, and sometimes the browser is blank, and often, the browser cannot be closed by selecting the X button at the lower right of the browser.

In contrast, I can still operate the patch browsers in other VST's in the Sonar project effectively.

As I continue to try to use the Spectral browser, the toolbar window eventually stops displaying bank and patch names, although active parameters can be displayed in the toolbar window.

Eventually, after multiple attempts at pressing buttons to get the browser to operate, the audio starts breaking up for all VST's, not just for Spectral. The CPU meter in Sonar does not indicate any unusual activity.

The only way to recover is to exit Sonar completely and re-invoke Sonar and Spectral. After I invoke Sonar, if I do not save any Spectral patches, I am able to browse and select the existing Spectral patches successfully, and I can play them with no audio breakup.

What do you suggest?
Glendale, AZ USA


There used to be a reply in this thread referring to this issue being broader than my example, and that a fix would be investigated after the holidays. Maybe that reply did not survive the forum migration.

Is this fix still planned for relatively soon?


Glendale, AZ USA


Its a rare and difficult to trace issue we are still working on with the few people affected, you may contact me to obtain our latest attempts to fix this. And yes, my last reply vanished :)


Just wanted to chime in and say I'm having similar issues in Sonar X3c. I would swear the Beta ran perfectly, so I'm confused as to why it has issues now.


Incidentally, in my original post, there was a typo: "X1D" should have been "X3D."

I have used Spectrum in two projects so far. In the first project, I experienced the problems mentioned above. However, there were more issues. Whenever I closed the project, Sonar crashed. If I removed Spectrum from the project (deleting it from browser), Sonar behaved normally. (Of course, I could not use Spectrum). If I insert Spectrum into the project, the problem with accessing Spectrum programs and Sonar crashing when closing the project resumed.
Glendale, AZ USA


The other problem I ran into is that it doesn't save the state to a project. For instance, I had a patch called "Bass 1", loaded it into a project, tweaked the sound, then saved the project. I then saved another preset into the same folder, and when I re-opened that project, it was using another patch from the same bank. You can avoid losing tweaks by saving it as a new preset, but then any other projects with spectral using sounds in the same folder will need to be adjusted.


Please let me know if the problem persists with the 1.0.1 update, also, if you not already did, get in touch with support@linplug.com so we can stay in touch when we work on the issues, if required.
Thank you



With the 1.0.1 update, the problem appears to have been solved. Thanks for the quick response.

Glendale, AZ USA


I like Spectral but it used to crash Sonar X2 and X3,so I had to sell it....

Same problem with CrX4....

So I had to sell that one too...

It was a shame because they are both nice synths...

But I can't use a work horse with a broken leg :(
No auto tune...


Given the fact that none of our users yet transferred a CrX4 and a Spetral I not give much on your post, but the problem we just fixed is indeed in all our products and can cause a crash in rare cases, digitalboytn.

Thank you for the feedback Keith !


Regretfully, a problem remains.

Although Spectral is now fully functional and reliable when I am using it in a project, it causes Sonar to crash about half of the time when I close a project that uses Spectral. The only way to recover is to reboot my PC.

Glendale, AZ USA


Never mind. The crash has occurred when closing two projects that did not use Spectral. Sorry for the false alarm.

Glendale, AZ USA


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