Can Alpha Juno Patches be re-created in Alpha 3?

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I have an old MKS-50 that is not working properly anymore. There are some patches that I would like to try to re-create in a VST synth. How close can Alpha 3 get? The sound of the alpha Juno chorus is one of the things I am after.

I'm not much of a synth programmer, so would be starting with the settings of the
MKS-50 patches and tweak from there.


Our Alpha has nothing to do with any other Alpha out there, so recreation of presets can be a bit challenging :)


Thank you for the info Peter... I didn't think it was a replacement, but found a post on another forum when Googling that suggested it was based on the Roland.


No problem. None of our products is based on any previously existing hard or software, but of course some similarities always exist to a certain degree which can lead to false expectations. To recreate some MKS-50 patches I would pay attention to three things: does the overall sound character of the synth is matching, is the feature-set sufficient and can you operate it (is it not too over-features for the purpose). Good luck!


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