One-Synth-Challenge 61: OBXD - Submissions, Chat, Voting and Results

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OB-Xd - Virtual Analog Synthesizer


*Status: Finished*

Note that from this competition on, we will revert to the older system of joint submissions and chat threads (in order to save space on the forum).

One-Synth-Challenge Website

OBXD by Datsounds

Submissions MUST comply with ALL the rules HERE
+ Entries must be submitted before 1st April (KVR time)

How to enter:
Make sure your track is in accordance with the rules and named properly, then upload or share your track to our SoundCloud group and write a post in this thread announcing your entry including a list of what you used to make it such as DAW/host, which effects, and how many instances of the synth and effects.


KV331 Audio : Synthmaster Factory

Member donation : 1 Reaper discounted license

Balance Mastering : One song of your choosing professionally mastered

Wusik : Wusik Station V6 Complete + Wusik EVE Full

MaxSynths : Free choice of either Crisalys, Cryologic, Teutonic Tension or aPiano

Rob Lee Music : A soundset for either: Sylenth1, Predator, Largo, Blofeld, PPGV3 or Dune

Electric Himalaya : Free choice of one soundset (as sold directly via the website)

Luftrum : Free choice of one soundset for either DIVA, Glass Viper, Roland Gaia SH-01, Animoog or Reason
Kreativ Sound: RAW Bundle
(RAW Bass, RAW Drums, RAW TranSID, RAW Textures) Image

Aiyn Zahev Sounds: 2 Soundsets of choice
(Uplifting Trance Presets)

Studio 13.37: Pro audio studio on a USB stick

Pooya Payvar (Stonail) : 1 custom made Max for [Ableton] Live: controller, midi or audio effect

Dream Audio Tools : 1 Indie Fingers bundle (Indie Fingers volumes One and Two)

Bjulin : Inspire soundset for Zebra²

LeapIntoTheVoid : The Serpent, a sound library for NI Massive

Ghostwave Audio : 2 Soundsets of choiceImage

Bluff Munkey - 2 soundsets of choice

Any other offers of prizes will be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by V'ger on Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:12 am, edited 13 times in total.


V'ger wrote:Note that from this competition on, we will revert to the older system of joint submissions and chat threads (in order to save space on the forum).
It seems OSC must be trimmed down a bit so back to joint threads as described, despite this option losing out in the rules vote.. But this is anyway how it was in the old days and there are advantages as it's easier to discuss tracks directly etc.

But unlike ever before, there will no longer be a voting thread as the new voting system has a page that requires login so the votes will be authenticated this way so there's no longer the need to write a post here to say you've voted.




Great to see OBXD as OSC synth, pretty exited to be hearing what the contestants can coach out of this one. Tempting to participate with OBXD as well, but I don't think I'll have time this month; after doing the Ragnarok track last month I really want/need to finish testing, manual writing, patch design and obviously some more demo tracks for it, so we can release this beauty into the wild ;)

Good luck to everyone participating this month's OSC :D
CrimsonWarlock aka TechnoGremlin, Moved to Reason and Rack Extensions exclusively (from Reaper and VSTs) several years ago.


Sadly, OBXD doesn't run under fsthost/Wine, so as a Linux only guy, I'm out for this month.


Shame guys, maybe next time.

For reference, here is the OBXD release thread.


Uhm, repost... Wrong forum ;)

This Obxd can do some really nice Virtual Analog sounds. Congrats to the codewriter for the awesome job he did!
I'll TRY to upload my presets as soon as I'm done programming


Attempting to duplicate my Cantabile workflow into Reaper and can't seem to determine this feature .....

So, I have Hypercyclic spitting out some nice midi to OBXD on a single track (in the FX slot I have Hypercyclic above OBXD). I can clearly hear the nice melody and would like to record both the audio and the MIDI, simultaneously. How is this done?


Make 2 tracks and route a MIDI bus to one, audio to the other.

Don't forget to arm them both for recording though.


abovethoughts wrote:Attempting to duplicate my Cantabile workflow into Reaper and can't seem to determine this feature .....

So, I have Hypercyclic spitting out some nice midi to OBXD on a single track (in the FX slot I have Hypercyclic above OBXD). I can clearly hear the nice melody and would like to record both the audio and the MIDI, simultaneously. How is this done?
I usually put midi instruments and audio into separate tracks if I want to record the midi, it's easier and I couldn't find a way to todo it to record into the same track. Although in your case you want to record midi and audio to track? so you should be able to route the midi ouput of the track to another track and the audio to another track, set both those tracks to record and you get one recorded track with midi and one with audio. Should work, one the best things about reaper is the routing, it's so damn powerful multi-route any track to any track.


Here is a project you can see it set up.


Message: There were 4 items in the project that were saved by extensions. If you save this project without those extensions installed, you may lose those extensions' data / is there a way to check which 4 extensions I would need?
Last edited by abovethoughts on Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.


:party: oh that's so cool, the file you put together works ;)


Fun to get a more limited synth this month! Time to get creative.


abovethoughts wrote:Message: There were 4 items in the project that were saved by extensions. If you save this project without those extensions installed, you may lose those extensions' data / is there a way to check which 4 extensions I would need?
Also if your fairly new to reaper then A guy on there called "Kenny Gioia" does some brilliant tutorials on reaper via Groove3 , seriously improve my workflow on reaper so much, best $30 I have ever spent. A definite must have if your a reaper user imho.

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