DeeComp - WOW!!!

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion


TheoM wrote:i LOVE algorisms :love:
I can't get my wife to algorism. She says my integer is too small. :dog:
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


cryophonik wrote:
TheoM wrote:i LOVE algorisms :love:
I can't get my wife to algorism. She says my integer is too small. :dog:
I can't find anyone with a good logarithm to make me algorism so I do it all myself :hihi:

on a non kidding note - i am trying the demo today, why not? can't hurt anyone. He might actually have a killer compression sound there and we are already dismissing without trying ;)


And to be fair, algorism is the original name for algorithm :-)




jens wrote:That Looks bloody fantastic!
You buying plugins because of the look? :lol:
Whoever wants music instead of noise, joy instead of pleasure, soul instead of gold, creative work instead of business, passion instead of foolery, finds no home in this trivial world of ours.



Al Gore ism
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.


Aloysius wrote:Al Gore ism
I did it first, dude! :)


Oh no you didn't! :P
Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.


why even try it when there are so much good cheap compressors...


TheoM wrote:i LOVE algorisms :love:
You see, that's the problem I have with Kotelnikov - while it doesn't have the mistake of having tubes or transistors, as do the Klanghelm and Sknote ones (which therefor could never sound like DeeComp), it doesn't have an algorism either, so: close, but no cigar (and still TDR have got the nerves to ask 40€ for its Gentleman's Edition :roll:).

edit: typos and stuff
Last edited by jens on Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.


murnau wrote:
jens wrote:That Looks bloody fantastic!
You buying plugins because of the look? :lol:
You not? You making wrong then!



Must be Fabrice Gabriel´s new company then...


robindrieghe wrote:why even try it when there are so much good cheap compressors...

why not? It might be amazing. I am going to try it now on a full mix, on drums, on vocals, and on some nasty transient stuff where i specifically want to crush the transients and see how it fares. If it's nothing special, be certain i will say so. If it's good, it would have to be better then the 1000 compressors under $100 to be considered at the price anyway. But there is still no reason given not to try the demo. Actually am doing so when i press submit on this and will be back..... stay tuned muhahahah


well it's not a bad plugin so far - not great, but not bad.

It does add clicks at fast attacks but doesn't at 0 attack (nor does it "crush" as such- but it's hard to find a setting to leave transients exactly as they were).
I am brutalising it right now though with massive GR and it's holding up really quite well.

That said, it is vst only on mac - and for standard price of $130 - well, that's a bit rich - i had to put in in blue cat mb-7 to try it in logic.

Also there is no HP detector so for edm mastering it's useless, although it held up alright on a pop mix - and even kept it together when pushed really hard.

Basically it's not a bad plugin overall, i will actually say it's a "good" compressor - but nothing spectacular either and not worth the money with such stiff competition.

I did put it against the softube FET and that absolutely smoked it overall. I paid 150 for fet and tsar light and 3 eq's a couple years ago.. value vs the deecomp is no comparison - softube wins.

Demo restriction is periodic bypass - no obnoxious noise and no pop up warnings, so it was pleasant enough to demo.


soulone82 wrote:Algorisms?

Must be Fabrice Gabriel´s new company then...
Hahahahaha :lol:
Professional technicians are assessed by the abilities they possess.
Amateur technicians are assessed by the tools they possess - and the amount of those tools, with an obvious preference to the latest hyped ones.
(Gabe Dumbbell)

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