v3 Beta Feedback And Discussion (Bugs, Features, Suggestions)

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Dear Friends,

I am very excited to release the first v3 beta version of RapidComposer. 5 months of work went into the application to improve its usage, workflow, reliability, flexibility and aesthetics.

The program is fully functional and should be usable for your everyday composition tasks. There are no parts that do not work, partly implemented or should crash. However you can expect to meet smaller issues which will be fixed in the shortest possible time. Not all v3 planned features have been implemented until today.

Please review the color scheme and send feedback if there is something you do not find aesthetic. The default colors should be suitable for most people, so feel free to complain if you find something ugly or not readable.

Please check the new keyboard shortcuts, which work together with the new 'keyboard focus' areas. The local shortcuts work when the given area is in focus. Delete/Cut/Copy/Paste/Select All/Deselect/Arrow keys work everywhere, and they will work on tracks, phrases, notes, timeline region, chord boxes, depending on which area has the keyboard focus. Global shortcuts work everywhere regardless which area is in focus


All registered users are able (and encouraged ;)) to download the v3.0 beta versions. This is not public beta testing. The download URL cannot be displayed here, but you can change the normal download URL (sent in e-mail and in announcements) this way:
old URL: http://www.musicdevelopments.com/############.php
new URL: http://www.musicdevelopments.com/############betav3.php
I will gladly send you the download URL in e-mail if needed.


You can use v2 and v3 side by side.
EDIT: please choose an install directory that is different from the v2 install location (e.g. "RapidComposer V3"), because using the same directory as for v2 will overwrite the v2 executable.
A separate directory (C:\Users\(user)\AppData\Roaming\RapidComposerV3) is created, and v2 settings are imported. Only the settings file is copied from the v2 directory, your custom scales, progressions, rules, etc should be copied manually to the new directory. Files are not shared with the v2 versions, so feel free to experiment, you won't be able to damage your existing working v2 setup. The only exception is the custom phrases directory, which is the same as it was in v2 (because v2 settings are imported first).
Compositions saved in v3 will not load in v2!

EDIT: since v3.0b2 the beta version is available for OS X, being compatible with OS X 10.7 and newer versions.
Note: the application name did not change (RapidComposer.app), so please make sure you won't overwrite the old v2 application with the same name.
A new folder(/Users/(user)/Documents/RapidComposerV3) is created, and v2 settings are imported. Only the settings file is copied from the v2 folder, your custom scales, progressions, rules, etc should be copied manually to the new v3 folder. Files are not shared with the v2 versions, so feel free to experiment, you won't be able to damage your existing working v2 setup. The only exception is the custom phrases directory, which is the same as it was in v2 (because v2 settings are imported first).
Compositions saved in v3 will not load in v2!


Unfortunately the fully tested, finished v3.0 will not arrive before December and it is possible the release could slip to January.

Main changes since v2.9
  • Timeline reworked and extended. Selection does not require pressing the Shift key anymore, it is a simple dragging on the numbers lane. Smooth scrolling added (Alt-horizontal drag), Zoom is still Ctrl-horizontal drag, dragging the play head at the edges will smoothly scroll the composition
  • Master track is vertically resizable, the track header can be made wider if needed (drag at the right edge of Timeline or Master Track box)
  • Mixer page removed, sound levels can be set on the respective Settings tab (Audio and Soundfonts)
  • Settings / User Interface for customizing all colors and creating themes. Old theme files do not work.
  • Settings / Keyboard Shortcuts for customizing keyboard shortcuts, possibility to export shortcut list as html
  • Settings / Miscellaneous reworked
  • It is possible to display track variation parameters and MIDI controller sliders in the track header below the track name. Click on the 'eye' (view) icon next to a slider.
  • 4 keyboard focus areas on the composition page: track list, composition workspace, timeline, master track. The phrase editor is a focus area as well. Check keyboard shortcuts available on these areas under Settings / Keyboard Shortcuts.
  • History has an option to use a simple list instead of a version tree. Simple list became the default.
  • Phrase editor improvements: cut/copy/paste/delete/etc works here too, vertical bar displayed for pasting notes, overlapped notes correctly handled, several note transformations are available through shortcuts
  • Lots of minor UI changes
  • User interface rendering became quicker due to optimizations
  • Full and light editions use the same installer and executable
  • Source code clean-up, building with C++14
Tasks remained
  • Idea tool rewrite. The idea tool tab will be removed shortly and will be integrated in the main composition page
  • Macros in keyboard shortcuts
  • Apply Rhythm variation
  • Rests in phrase generators

You can subscribe to this RSS feed to get notified about beta updates: http://www.musicdevelopments.com/beta.xml

I wish you lots of fun!
Attila (author of RapidComposer)
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


First of all Thank you so much Attila!
i cannot describe enough how i loved copy/paste in time line,
one thing in this case,
copy selected area with phrase "parts" in the selected range then paste/insert to located position...if isn't already there and i miss it...
currently pasting whole phrases as i tried...also sometimes phrases don't get copied but i am still trying to understand the logic.

a small issue: i see all sf2 instruments doubled in the track inspector Instrument list.

just couldn't resist to share real-time thoughts and happiness :)

not directly relevant but in the chrome ( could specific to me i don't know)
i see this .. firefox is ok btw.

lets test more :clap:


Dear Attila,
This is exciting news, indeed!

Thank you so much for this opportunity.

Downloading now and looking forward to testing the new features. :D

Best regards,
My DAW System:
W7, i5, x64, 8Gb Ram, Edirol FA-101


"Master track is vertically resizable" it goes extremely big (which is might be useful for someone)
but if you extend that big RC crashes.
RC Standalone v3.01b1 x64 w7 x64

did i say i love the "eye" reaperish track control view :)

-seems custom Keyboard Shortcuts needs to be load again on every start of RC.

-naming tracks via inspector name field doesn't work,
naming via double click to track name is fine.


Confirmed, Master Track resize (to maximum) causes crash.

System: Windows Vista SP2 x64, 6GB RAM, Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 @ 2.5GHz, RC BETA v3.0b1, Stand alone version.

If I have the timeline set to maximum display, and it contains, let's say, 2 parts, with each part containing 4 chord changes (Ex), and then I condense the display (hover right edge of timeline until cursor changes to <-> and drag toward left) the composition window resizes correctly, but all except the first two chords (in this composition) get erased. The structure changes from 2 parts to 1 part.

(This probably not a bug but a design issue):
It is not possible to drag the timeline beyond the point to the maximum being displayed (it does not scroll out to the required distance). Once I get the the far right it is as far as I can set the length of the timeline. Trying to move the scroll bar at the bottom to get more of the time line available for adjustment is very difficult.

The following are work flow improvement requests:
FR #1: Can we have mouse wheel scrolling in the channel box (far left) to move the entire composition vertical up/down (like is possible in scroll bar (far right). (Scrolling inside the track to move phrases up or down octaves is good as is.)

FR #2: Can we have right click to open a dialog, second right click to close the dialog (like a toggle - first click = ON, second click = OFF). Dialog selection is fine but a bit of a nuisance to have to get to the "X" to close it.

Please let me know if additional information is needed.

Thanks Attila!

EDIT 1: Attila, going forward, in effort to minimize the amount of posts to this thread, do you agree it will be better for you to follow if edits are made to the original posts, or do you prefer new posts made with any new bugs found?

I also wanted to say that with the new GUI it seems easier for me to understand the structure of a phrase (note position, note length, etc.) I think this is due to the color schemes you have chosen, and the ability to make changes to these :tu:

EDIT 2: BUG. Unable to drop "Generators" to any spot on composition window. I can grab a generator, any, and it appears to bring forth, but is no where to be found in timeline once dropped.UPDATE: Hitting <CTRL>Z causes the generator phrases to appear in the timeline, but still unable to move the phrase.
UPDATE: RESOLVED by changing to Phrase Edit mode.

BUG: Saved phrases do not drop correctly. I dragged one off Yellukhans creations over to the time line, a Staccato phrase, and instead of dropping into various scale notes/chords , all were dropped into one note (say an A note for example). The number of notes for the length of the phrase were correct but there were no chords created. The phrase also drops to the lowest point on the scale C0. Hope this makes sense :oops:
UPDATE: RESOLVED by changing to Phrase Edit mode.

BUG: Unable to click and select a phrase to move phrase up/down scale. Perhaps I am missing something in the new version, but now, instead of the cursor changing to a hand, when attempting to select a phrase to move, if I click on a phrase I can only select one note at a time. How to move entire phrase please? (I hope this is not me unable to figure it out :pray: :hihi: )
UPDATE: RESOLVED by changing to Phrase Edit mode.

BUG: On settings/miscellaneous page, if I left click and move the scroll bar (far right) I can scroll through all available selections. If I attempt mouse wheel scroll, the page does not follow completely. It stalls, up or down, about 3/4 way either direction.

BUG: Pop up help not working. I have the settings as "Show Popup Help (Box checked), Delay time = Short
UPDATE:For what ever reason, popup help is now working intermittently. On some occassions I can hover over a control and popup displays while at other times it will not display hovering over the same control.

BUG: (Only had this happen once so far - NOT reproducable) Moving the Phrases dialog resulted in 2 being displayed and neither would function. Had to do a "New Compostion" to get rid of them onscreen.

Oh, BTW, Attila, the installer did not "suggest" a new install location. It defaulted to my existing location. I was able to manually create the new location, as I did not want to overwrite the v2.9 version. As a result, only some of my previous settings carried over. No big deal about this but wanted you to know so that others do not overwrite their current versions.

BUG: <ALT> Drag of phrase does not work. But this may be due to not being able to select a phrase as reported above.
UPDATE: RESOLVED by changing to Phrase Edit mode.

Last edited by dsan@mail.com on Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:28 pm, edited 7 times in total.
My DAW System:
W7, i5, x64, 8Gb Ram, Edirol FA-101


"Can we have mouse wheel scrolling in the channel box (far left) to move the entire composition vertical up/down"
+1 would great ...additionally adjustment of scroll speed (need a bit faster movement imho)

it would really helpful to have an option ""Same As Original (+)"" for "Phrase Selected Note"
i would definitely use Saturate by % 50 :)



(S1) For colors, I'd have a v2 colors default. While I like the darker colors and the ability to customize them, I find the new color scheme hard to read. It would be cool if there was a way to select an object in the main editor and know which color setting it's affected by, or perhaps a SEARCH option so that we can type in "selected" and see all the colors that have "selected" in the text.

(S2) I still would like to see the scales, chords, progressions, variations, phrases and instruments to be visible outside of the main composer window and have it remember where it was the last time I positioned it.

(S3) In the phrase editor it would be appreciated to show where the bars are to visualize what a length of 8 is showing. (When phrases get to be 8 bars, and 32 beats, it's hard to see it.)

(S4) In the Phrase Editor, can you widen the Snap and Grid drop-downs to have room to show that we're using the triplet grid?

(S5) When changing the length of a part, it would be super cool to have a modifier key (like SHIFT) to be able to also scale the durations of the chords. For example, scaling 8 bars to 4bars on this:


(B1) Still looking for a magnet mode that will set an inversion within a phrase according to the global/phrase envelope. It is good to see the new magnet of "each note follows the envelope within key", however, what happens is it throws away the structure of the phrase.
I would have expected it to follow the average note height of the notes at the position within the phrase according to it's inversion. Both phrases are identical.

(B2) When editing the structure, you can rename the parts, but the name doesn't stay. This worked in v2. When I hit Enter, the name reverts to "Part 1":

(B3) There is a bug in the way the Phase Editor gets started. Here I have a 2 BAR phrase (length s/b 8 )

however, once it is brought into the phrase editor, it's length is only 6 and notes are dropped.

Perhaps related ... when I go into F2 (Note Editing Mode) the phrases are shown as 6:

(B4) When selecting notes in the Phase Editor, they cannot be altered/edited with the NOTE popup dialog, none of the buttons alter the note in any way.
Uses Live 9 and lots of VSTs


this looks and sounds really fantastic! hopefully all bugs will be worked out when i purchase end of December.

Good work.
"..What is simple, is simply seen.."


before sleep,
Track panel, click+hold+drag for zoom crashes if any of the variation parameter envelope active (for example Expression) ..
CC envelopes has no problem as i tried.

also i can confirm that Phrase Editor none of the object properties works. except the Note Offset and velocity slider.

Warm Regards


Thank you so much for the LOTS of feedback in such a short time. I'll investigate and fix these problems in the next days. This is really amazing, thanks for the help!

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Well I'm not off to a good start. I'm stuck trying to open the program with this message:

"unlocking the application..."

It won't do anything. Have to CTRL+ALT+DEL to close... can't get in at all.

I installed it to a folder called RapidComposer3Beta (so I wouldn't overwrite my version 2.9)


It stays stuck on the screen, unless I click+drag, then I get my old friend "we're sorry but RapidComposer crashed...", which it then, closes.

Still can't get in to the program...


Hi themixtape,
this could be unnecessary question but
fist thing i can think of...
did you install it
-Right click to installer ....Properties /Unblock.. apply/OK
-right click again and Run As Administrator
this procedure become my default behavior even for Reaper pre release installations.


yellukhan wrote:"Can we have mouse wheel scrolling in the channel box (far left) to move the entire composition vertical up/down"
+1 would great ...additionally adjustment of scroll speed (need a bit faster movement imho)
This is implemented now. Default is fast scrolling, but if you hold Ctrl or Alt, it will scroll slower. I know scrolling should be smoother with acceleration... so please don't complain about that. :hihi:
yellukhan wrote:it would really helpful to have an option ""Same As Original (+)"" for "Phrase Selected Note"
i would definitely use Saturate by % 50 :)
It is not an easy task to find a good-looking combination of intensity and saturation to provide feedback about velocity. The current one is quite good IMHO, the saturation goes from almost zero to max, then the intensity goes darker:

Applying only saturation on these notes would not be too visible...
I am open to suggestions. Maybe another color scheme for displaying notes?
I will definitely add the v2 color scheme as an option.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Thanks for the scroll & speed... lets see what we can do about "not" complaining :D ,

about the color of selected notes... its my fault probably because i use only :
Color Notes According To Chord/Scale/Out-of-scale (Rendered Note)
so i didn't think that other color schemes make the implementation harder. :oops:

then maybe separate options for
chord note color / selected chord note color
scale note color / selected scale note color

...uhmm.. thinking at loud but this makes things even worse / complex i guess.


Thank you, dsan for the lots of suggestions, and bugs reported! It will take a few days until all are investigated and fixed...
dsan@mail.com wrote:Oh, BTW, Attila, the installer did not "suggest" a new install location. It defaulted to my existing location. I was able to manually create the new location, as I did not want to overwrite the v2.9 version.
I edited the instructions above, and made changes to the installer so that this won't happen in the future.
dsan@mail.com wrote:As a result, only some of my previous settings carried over. No big deal about this but wanted you to know so that others do not overwrite their current versions.
You can safely copy the old RapidComposer\DB directory to RapidComposerV3.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


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