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Again, very good suggestions! :tu:
Thanks, lulukom!
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18




Wow! It's been some time since I last updated. So many changes. I feel overwhelmed.

Just curious. Is December 4, 2017 the official release date for v3.4?
[Core i7 8700 | 32GB DDR4 | Win11 x64 | Studio One 6 Pro | FL Studio ASIO/WASAPI ]


Yes, Tony, it is the projected release date. I will do my best to finish the next update in December. It would be good marketing-wise but if I fail to deliver v3.4 in time, that won't be a big problem. I have learned to be patient and not release unfinished/untested software just because of a stupid deadline. ;)

As a related note, I am happy now that RapidComposer became a solid, mature product. I remember after each v2.x release there were always some bugs to fix, which were sometimes crashes. Well, not anymore! 8)


PS: please keep sending those quotes/recommendations to me. So far I received ... zero :(
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


tried to think/write what/how i feel .. even just when i see the RC icon in my desktop.. :tu:
but i realized,
absolutely have to ask a friend for help because of my Tarzanish :D
i want to make it properly with decent sentences.
is there is deadline?


There is no deadline, dear yellukhan, take your time!
Thank you in advance! :)
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Hello Attila!
Chord selector / For chord progressions / Builder
- in loop mode, does not work in real time-only through the stop ..
I think it would be nice if it worked)


I did not add in the previous post that in loop mode, in real time you can not change chords (for chord progressions) for all tabs (chord list, palette, builder, etc.). And I would very much like to change the chords in the loop and listen to the progression changes ...
Thank you


Yes, that would be good if it worked. I added it to the to-do list.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18




RapidComposer is the best tool in the world for making masterpiece music in less than 10 minutes. Finally, I have my one tool for writing REAL music.
SLH - Yes, I am a woman, deal with it.


This is amazing! Thank you, Vertion! :) :clap:
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


Hello Attila!
Can you make sure that when I drag the midi file consisting of chords to the master track, then the length of these new chords in the master track becomes the same as the length of those chords that were already in the master track?
Thank you .


Rapid composer is the most powerful compositional tool that I have used in over 20 years of producing music. I am able to create faster and more importantly to a higher level than ever before. It is function over form. Not pretty , but a huge amount of power lies under it's skin. If you are patient it offers huge reward.The price is very competitive and the Support from the developer , Attila is the best I have ever known.Anybody who makes music of any kind would be wise to give it a fair trial.



Wonderful, thank you, secondstep! :)
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


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