ToneBoosters E.Q.4

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion
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TB Equalizer v4


Well I guess we can add a zero latency mode switch; like I mentioned it is probably not optimal for dynamic EQ but things won't completely fall apart either. So every user can make this trade off depending on the use case...


This would be vreat, indeed :)


How about that peak grab feature from Pro-Q2...?


djeroen wrote:Well I guess we can add a zero latency mode switch; like I mentioned it is probably not optimal for dynamic EQ but things won't completely fall apart either. So every user can make this trade off depending on the use case...
That would be awesome!! :love:


thebutler wrote:Having a weird thing happening in Studio one; if the plugin UI is open, and you put S1 into play, then try using the '-' and '+' keys from the numpad for fast rewind or fast forward, the transport goes into a freewheeling wind mode... ( i'm using a Cubase key command template)

Usually, I can press and hold those keys to wind forward/back, but as soon as you release, the transport resumes play mode (if you're doing this whilst in play mode). Works ok with other plugins open.

But, with TB EQ4, the transport just goes freewheeling off; you can go one way or the other toggling the keys, but it'll never resume a play mode when releasing the keys.

Anyone else..? (I'm using the VST3 version 4.0.4 and trying this on a stereo track)

Ok, maybe its just me then... I'll report it to Presonus, in case they can check their end. (Working fine BTW in Cubase Pro v9.5.10).

Two other things; the plugin 'category' (VST3) for this plugin is coming up in Cubase as 'Other' heading - I'd expect it to have appeared/installed to the, wait for it, 'EQ' category.! Morphit v1 installs to the 'EQ' category; Barricade v4 installs to the 'Dynamics' category; Reverb v4 installs to the 'Reverb' category. All good, all VST3.

Second - the manual says the 'Channel mode' (dynamics section) is not available if the channel count given by the host to TB EQ4 is an odd number. Inserting it on a mono track or a mono Input Channel, doesn't seem to agree with this claim (Cubase Pro - VST3 edition); all modes are still selectable. The I/O as reported to the host in Cubase's Plugin Manager, says the plugin is configured Stereo/Stereo.

Which 'Channel Mode' should be used when inserted on a Mono track.? 'All'..? Does it matter.? There's little to no info about using this with Multi-Channel (surround) setups. It would be great for a bit more insight, for those who venture into those sorts of woods... :)

Oh, and thanks for all the recent little updates - ToneBoosters rock.!!
Win10; i7 4790K; 16Gb RAM; GTX750Ti; Cubase Pro v13.0.40; WaveLab Pro v11.2.0; S1 v6.6.1; UR44 audio/MIDI


thebutler wrote:
thebutler wrote:Having a weird thing happening in Studio one; if the plugin UI is open, and you put S1 into play, then try using the '-' and '+' keys from the numpad for fast rewind or fast forward, the transport goes into a freewheeling wind mode... ( i'm using a Cubase key command template)

Usually, I can press and hold those keys to wind forward/back, but as soon as you release, the transport resumes play mode (if you're doing this whilst in play mode). Works ok with other plugins open.

But, with TB EQ4, the transport just goes freewheeling off; you can go one way or the other toggling the keys, but it'll never resume a play mode when releasing the keys.

Anyone else..? (I'm using the VST3 version 4.0.4 and trying this on a stereo track)

Ok, maybe its just me then... I'll report it to Presonus, in case they can check their end. (Working fine BTW in Cubase Pro v9.5.10).
Meant to comment the other day, anyway what you are describing above does not happen for me, it works as expected.

Windows 10 Pro (Not up to date)
Studio One 3.5.5
Say NO to CLAP!


jinotsuh wrote:
thebutler wrote: Ok, maybe its just me then... I'll report it to Presonus, in case they can check their end. (Working fine BTW in Cubase Pro v9.5.10).
Meant to comment the other day, anyway what you are describing above does not happen for me, it works as expected.

Windows 10 Pro (Not up to date)
Studio One 3.5.5
Ok - many thanks for that @jinotsuh;

Strange, its doing it every time I try here. I've just updated to the latest v4.0.5 and its still happening. It doesn't occur if I try it with Barricade v4 open instead... weird. Its got a little annoying, as I have my trackball right next to the keyboard and I have a great habit (= fast workflow.!) of just swinging my thumb off the trackball onto those (numpad) '-' and '+' keys for quick transport navigation. Everything fine in Cubase...
Win10; i7 4790K; 16Gb RAM; GTX750Ti; Cubase Pro v13.0.40; WaveLab Pro v11.2.0; S1 v6.6.1; UR44 audio/MIDI


With the version 4.0.6 I have very strange issues concerning parameter modulation in Bitwig.

For example modulating the gain of a filter node leeds to different, very strange problems...
The relation between modulation amount and parameter range are mixed up (A small modulation amount of 0.02 has a much greater impact on the parameter as it should have).
With closing and reopening the EQs GUI the modulation range changes.
Bitwigs modulation works relative to the parameter value set on the plugins GUI. Against the expected behaviour his set value sometimes changes after changing the modulation range in Bitwig.

All these issues don't occur doing the equivalent with TB Reverb v 4.0.9.



tl wrote:With the version 4.0.6 I have very strange issues concerning parameter modulation in Bitwig.

For example modulating the gain of a filter node leeds to different, very strange problems...
The relation between modulation amount and parameter range are mixed up (A small modulation amount of 0.02 has a much greater impact on the parameter as it should have).
With closing and reopening the EQs GUI the modulation range changes.
Bitwigs modulation works relative to the parameter value set on the plugins GUI. Against the expected behaviour his set value sometimes changes after changing the modulation range in Bitwig.

All these issues don't occur doing the equivalent with TB Reverb v 4.0.9.

OK, contacted Toneboosters support. Jeroen replied very fast and told me it's rather an issue with Bitwig...

In the meantime I found a fully functional workaround: a combination of parameter modulation and automation.
If I set e.g. the gain of a filter node via an automation lane I can modulate the gain as expected with a LFO in Bitwig.



I've read the praises and it looks really great and but now I feel foolish I didn't demo it first.
It won't function fully in Ableton. The sidechain feature is nowhere to be seen..
I also found the A.I. thing rather confusing as it's not possible to commit to the e.q. curve guideline it's suggeststing.. Kinda weird if you ask me. I'm I stupid or one supposed to "draw in the line" ourselves for the A.I. staring point?

Anyone else with problems in Ableton with this EQ?
I wonder if it's a refund if it don't work proparly with this DAW.



ItaloDisco wrote:It won't function fully in Ableton. The sidechain feature is nowhere to be seen..
The side-chaining feature unfortunately only works with VST3 or AU compatible hosts


mcbpete wrote:
ItaloDisco wrote:It won't function fully in Ableton. The sidechain feature is nowhere to be seen..
The side-chaining feature unfortunately only works with VST3 or AU compatible hosts
Ableton *IS* AU compatible, but its sidechain routing is garbage.


mcbpete wrote:
ItaloDisco wrote:It won't function fully in Ableton. The sidechain feature is nowhere to be seen..
The side-chaining feature unfortunately only works with VST3 or AU compatible hosts
But I have other working plugins in VST3, in my libary..


If you have then you're running Ableton in some magic mode - It [currently] only supports up to VST v2.4


hahaa... It'sa kinda magic :D

Ok, I see. Installers from various manufacturers keept suggest putting plugins in the VST3 file, so I just assumed.
That's a bummer for me and the E.Q.4. I will try to get my money back. I really think this should have been made clear for Ableton users. The sidechain feature was a major selling point for me.

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