How much crashing?

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Hello RC crew, I'm excited to get into the RC world and I had some time to demo to vst plugin but eventually it ends up crashing when I'm editing phrases. I don't think I'm going to deep in or randomly trying things out because I barely know it and am just going through the basics but it's just a matter of time until it crashes so I wanted to know truthfully, is this something you guys get used to? Because I already read about it crashing a lot when I was researching RC vs Synfire.
Of course to try and find the problem I can go through the specs and the steps to debug which I understand and am willing to do, but I just would like to get a sense of whether the majority of users just deal with it or if it's become much less of a problem.

I noticed the sale when looking for the forum here today and it just has me more excited to get it but not if it keeps crashing all the time. I also have the demo for mac but haven't had time to try that yet to see if and how much it crashes on macos. Does it crash just as much on Mac?

Again, I'm happy to go through specifics to try and debug the issue specifically for me but first I just wanna know how much of an occurrence it is. Thanks!


If you can replicate and explain the crash, Attila will fix it. He is very very good about that and fixes those very fast.. Of course, he will need your computer specs as well..


Sure, but then how often does a new one spring up? If RC has been known to be crashy for years then it makes makes me wonder how much it's like whack-a-mole. A quick fix can be made for whatever causes a crash but then some new reason comes a long to create a new one and the cycle continues. Most software isn't like that. And I'm not trying to preach or scare away any other potential customers but it'd be nice to hear a consensus of if this is something you guys put up with; if it happens less frequently over time, if new crashes keep coming after quick fixes, etc.


I hope others will comment (please do!) but based on the bug reports that I receive I can say the following: in the last few years there were no crashes on Windows, and there were very few on macOS.
(Next week a new update will be uploaded which fixes a problem that caused crashes on macOS.)
The number of problems reported is decreasing from year to year. For v1.X I got lots of problem reports, for v2.X much less, and for v3.X almost zero after releasing a major update.

I must admit there were many stability issues with RC in the first few years (I am still suffering from that), but those were resolved. In the worst case your work will never get lost, it is saved in the history folder until your last modification.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
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Yes, I can confirm that those failures that sometimes happen are not a problem for normal operation, but most likely this is a normal workflow for improving the program. I know many programs that have much more problems with failures.
And I want to say that I do not see any problems for professional work. I work for MAC OS. I recommend the program to buy!


I appreciate the honest replies. I wish I had more time to evaluate at this point!

I will send an email to the appropriate address next time I have more time to demo. Thanks


Last edited by mooter on Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Yes, you are right! Thanks for reporting this.
I confirm this hanging does not happen in the latest stable version, and in the latest beta version, only in the demo.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Wow, just as I was changing my last post you replied at the same time! Since I said I was going to email you any issues I retracted it. Thanks


I examined this hanging, which was caused by a diagnostic printout in RapidComposer VST, which was removed for some time.
I would gladly send you an update that should work well, if you are interested. Please let me know...
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Sounds good; pm'd


Thanks! E-mail sent with working demo version.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


BluGenes wrote:If you can replicate and explain the crash, Attila will fix it. He is very very good about that and fixes those very fast.. Of course, he will need your computer specs as well..

like I said...


If there is a problem
Atilla can solve it
Check out the hook
While rc revolves it


I've only had one problem over a couple of years using RC on a Mac. Atilla fixed it within a couple of days.

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