Tutorials&Theory that could be applied in RC

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I start this thread in the hopes of creating notification system for new (and old) RC tutorials as well as tutorials on music processes that could then be applied in RC. I'm afraid I'm missing great RC lessons myself, and in case others are too if more of us agree on this we could just subscribe to this thread and post them here and get notified by others when they spot one and thus have the convenience of email notifications on cool new stuff.

I'll try to kickstart this idea by pointing to HiEnergyMusic's great presentation of a RC process here:


In addition to RC direct things I'd hope this thread to also contain links to music theory ideas and processes that could either be inspiring or in some way be an invitation to some of the gurus and tutorial makers that they show how that could be translated and applied into RC toolset. So I see these links as partially interesting in themselves and if we're lucky seeds upon which one of our resident RC gurus might might make RC tutorials based on how they apply to RC language, tools and terminology.

I'll try to kickstart this category with:

this melody theory lesson:

and this video channel which has a lot of concepts that I wish somebody would translate into RC workflows and concepts
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDKiHS ... t6w/videos

for example i'd be curious how to use RC in this direction

Which reminds me of another great music theory channel that I think has a lot of ideas i'd love to learn to use in RC and can only hope some community leaders will teach me how to do or do better:

I used to be a big fan of Dream Theater back around the 2000s and i think they use a mixture of modes, progressions and polyrhithms... i'd love to learn to emulate that with RC.

Aaaanyway, this is my attempt of kickstarting a thread for community resource gathering. Especially for RC tutorials, but also for music theory concepts that hopefully somebody will figure out how to convert into RC workflows... and if this is successful as a project I hope we'll all get a way to get email notified of new tutorials, new ideas and who knows... if we gather enough momentum I even imagine a chance of our local allpowerful deity (for Terry Pratchett fans!) lord Atilla the Shaper of Realities to pop by and who knows, maybe he sees a tutorial somebody made (ahem, cough cough, HiEnergyMusic's recent one) and decideds to automate it into a script/function inside RC or maybe he sees a music theory lesson he finds interesting and envisions a new miraculous way in which RC could hard code that into amazing musical magic.

Peace & love out to everybodyes!


in terms of inspiration I love Michael Patti's videos such as this one

in particular from this video I enjoyed the part where it mirrored my thoughts on when and how you can introduce new melodic themes and at which rate the brain notices and/or loses interest in them so you can introduce a new one.




just want to say, yes, I know all the in's and out's of the mechanics of RC, applying that knowledge as it pertains to theory.. I am all ears.


is a nice video that just came out from MangoldProject, love his music theory stuff, in particular I so obsessed about his 2-5-1 video for so long (i think it was this one)
The video he put out today is on modal interchange harmonic motifs. Above my head but still interesting to dream of or how something like that might be easy for the computational brain of RapidComposer.


I want to thank iXaarii for pointing out my RapidComposer Bach Fragments video.
Most of my latest videos dealing with RapidComposer are collected in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=285&t=516647
I'll check out all the other videos mentioned here.
Thanks for collecting them.


You're brilliant! thanks for pointing that out! I can't wait for more of your videos. Also feel free whenever you see music theory content that's nutricious or interesting to post it here. My post for today will be this video I just saw:


Rick Beato has a mindblowing understanding of musical theory. He hears a melody and compresses the notes mentally into chords and can thus predict dissonances and explain how melody progressions work. I only have a chance of that should RC one day implement that (i hope i hoope. Melody notes as seen from their compression into Chords and progressions! yeeayy!!!)..

The other thing I see in this video (other than his interesting musical scientists making junk food theory) is the idea of quick passing note dissonances. Here I'd love to see in RC a variation that adds to a clean progression little tension/passing notes, with control over their length so you can make them short but spicy as well as the reverse, for cleaning up little dissonances.

Of course if any and all of the above processes are already in sow way hackable through RC ... (cough cough, HiEnergy, BluGenes, Yellukhan cough ) i'd love to see videos of those processes. and... you never know when Atilla takes a liking to such an idea and implements it into core RC functionality awesomeness :D

PS: because ... well, i too want to make some junk food for the masses :D


Amazing topic, thanks iXaarii! :)
I will learn lots of new things here...
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
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Thanks a lot Musicdevelopments! It's an honor you dropping by!

My today's contribution to this collection & discussion thread will be


Not only does Rhythmic Canada have a great warm explaining voice and great subjects that simply scream for a shoutout is this video super interesting on unbalanced pitched and they way they tend to other notes... at which point I have to make a shoutout to the Rapid Composer Manual where at the magical page 155 there's this heavenly diagram that I most love which is right at home on this thread.
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This is a chord progression chart that I have used for many years as my cheat sheet to help me out with progressions. Not so much now since RC has the handy dandy awesome progression library (thank you!) .

I assume all the information here is already contained in there in some form, and if not it would be awesome if it was included as a kind of chord route computer as how to get from an point to another point.


iXaarii wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2019 9:10 am at which point I have to make a shoutout to the Rapid Composer Manual where at the magical page 155 there's this heavenly diagram that I most love which is right at home on this thread.
Yes, this was made by Chris Caulder, the text and I think the diagram too.
iXaarii wrote: This is a chord progression chart that I have used for many years
I knew this from many years ago. You can make chord rules from this chart to generate chord progressions.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


A few years later I found this much more difficult to find one:


However I never found something similar for Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian or Myxolidian. Which is surprising since given that it's all about notes tending combined with rules like "keep 2 out of 3 notes the same for cohesion" I would've thought simply running an algorithm in any scale should generate stuff... Maybe this is where RapidComposer will one day show the world how it's done in any mode in any scale :D


Others I found useful were:



and then there was this one which I think took 25000 songs and mapped them.. i guess this kind of info could totally be used arithmetically also... though of course it is a bit annoying if all turns out the same :P


... but then again when you're stuck you do want to ask "what have others done in my situation"... then again probably if you're stuck you're stuck in an uncommon situation so this might not help you much. Still, I guess eventually humans will build databases of this stuff and smart would be the men to use such data.


Interesting technique using Rhytmic Displacement:
I think by the sounds of it I was accidentally doing something like this in RapidComposer in some of my experiments without really understanding how.


I've been beating my head trying to grasp the theory here
in a way that I could apply it to RapidComposer, but either I understand too little of polyrhithms or too little of RapidComposer in using that in terms of phrases and time signatures... I have yet to figure out from this a RC workflow. Should any of the veterans and gurus of the community make a tutorial/video applying the workflow described there inside RapidComposer I would be very thankful.

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