Renewed love - Release on pseudo PMW

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Hi I just found new love for my Sylenth1, after purchasing many synths over the past years, I went back to programming Sylenth1 that own for nearly 14 years now.... It's amazing how well it holds up against all other synths, and is still unmatched in many areas. Trots op Lennard.

Anyway I have a small question that I could not find in the forum.

It seems when you make a PWM sound with the pseudo trick and a long release time, the PWM goes away after you release the notes. It seems as if the LFO stops working after you release the keys. When I hold a chord I hear a nice PWM but as soon a I release, it changes to the static pulse wave instead. This seems strange because when I modulate anything else with the LFO it keeps modulating after release. Am I missing something here?

I's this very simple sound: ... t.fxp?dl=0



That's because the Release slider on Part B is set to 0 in your preset. So part B stops playing when you release the key, which means the PWM sound will no longer work.


Wohoo! Dank voor de snelle reactie. So user error as usual. I found out what happens. I have a controller that sends midi to the amp A envelope but although the envelopes were linked, only envelope A was adjusted. So I increased the release of amp env A expecting B to do the same. But this link only works when you adjust parameters directly in the plugin UI and not when you use a controller. Also I cannot assign one midi cc to two parameters. I guess there is no way around this is there?


You can enable that in the settings file. Click MENU -> Open Data Folder in Sylenth1, browse to Config, then open Settings.xml with a text editor. Disable the autoswitchonlearn option by editing the line below as such:

<MIDI controlchanges="1" programchanges="1" pitchbend="1" autoswitchonlearn="0"/>

Then save and restart Sylenth1. Now you can link multiple parameters to a single controller.

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