Architect: MIDIPlayer

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I’m completely new to Architect and have a few basic questions about the MIDI Player module.

How do you make it work?

As context, I have a MIDI file loaded into the pool called “grand” which has a single track “1” in it. In the MIDI Player I manually typed have those values specified in the relevant fields. (Note - given this for the pool it would be easier if this was a drop down)

I connected a module to give a true when then transport is playing. But when the transport plays I get an error in the console saying “unexpected value: g”.

Next question - how would you specify the midi channel to be played ?

There doesn’t seem to be a way to specify this in the midi player module like there is in the sequencers. Assume some other module needs to be used to do this, but which one? Midi out doesn’t seem to have a channel specified in it.

Finally - is there anyway to load an existing file into a sequencer where one could then edit it? This would be useful. If not possible - any work around?

One last thought having the mixer be able to input channels from my audio interface with basic record function would be helpful as am using Architect to drive a modular system and would prevent the need to load up a DAW as well


armstrb wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 1:22 pm I connected a module to give a true when then transport is playing. But when the transport plays I get an error in the console saying “unexpected value: g”.
As the name of the file is a string, it needs to be quoted: use "grand" instead of just grand. (I agree about the dropdown request for picking these, though.)
Next question - how would you specify the midi channel to be played ?
It will use the MIDI channel for the original notes in the MIDI file. After the MIDI player has output, you could use a [set channel] module to change the MIDI channel to something else.

If you're having trouble with this, don't hesitate to ask and I can build you a quick demo patch of this in action.
Finally - is there anyway to load an existing file into a sequencer where one could then edit it?
Not yet, but it is coming, as that is a very frequent request.
One last thought having the mixer be able to input channels from my audio interface with basic record function would be helpful as am using Architect to drive a modular system and would prevent the need to load up a DAW as well
Noted. I've have various requests for how people would like audio input to be handled, and I believe I can work this into what I'm aiming for.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Thanks Colin! I will give it a try and report back.

Architect really is an amazing accomplishment. I have been looking for a “modular DAW” for a long time and think this may well be it. I love the UI very nicely done!

Ps. I changed my username to match those on other forums


OK, I am lost.

Adding the "" gets rid of the "MIDI Player: Unexpected symbol: G" errors. But I am not getting any MIDI out of the midi player. Here is the patch
Screen Shot 2022-06-12 at 3.22.01 PM.png
When the transport is playing nothing is printed or comes out of MIDI out. I have tried changing the file to "Stereo Grand.mid" or the track number from 0 to 1 (as there are two tracks in it).

Am sure I am not using the set channel mouse correctly. I wondered about using the "pack note" one but you can't route the set channel module to the pack note. Not sure why.
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Have tried other files and they don't work either.
Have tried running a sequencer into the MIDI to tuple and that works - can see the note on/off messages.


OK figured it out.

Firstly, the "set channel" needs to be inline between the MIDI player and the out. Second, ".mid" needs to be excluded. Third, "is playing" doesn't work, but "on play" does.

First two make sense, but not sure why the last one doesn't.


[on play] outputs a signal event when the transport is started, whilst [is playing] outputs either a true or false when it receives any event to its inlet. I believe you are missing something upstream to call [is playing], hence it is not outputing anything.

Generally, my approach with the MIDI player is something like this:
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


That makes sense.

BTW - is there a reference doc/ sheet or similar for all the modules and what they do? I know these are all in the actual module descriptions, but it would be helpful to read them offline to get ideas of what they can all do.

Also, is there a Sample and hold type module for midi notes? Am guessing no, but can be done using memory?


I am working on complete reference documentation for all the modules: I'll let you know when I have it ready.

How would you envision a Sample & Hold working? There are a couple of modules in the MIDI Process branch that may do what you want: [toggle] treats noteons as toggles for that particular note; [sustain] keeps a note playing until it receives an event telling it to release them. If you are having trouble sussing these modules, I can post a screenshot or a working patch to give you an idea.
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Something like the following.

Have a MIDI stream of pitch, notes, etc. from a sequence coming into the module. Separate the pitch data and “sample” it when the module receives an event from somewhere else. It would then “hold” the note until it receives another event.

So let’s say the incoming stream was

C, F, G, C, D, D#, G ….on a 1/16th note clock. And the event clock was running on a 1/4 note clock it would grab the C and D that are on the 1 and the 5.

Make sense?

I’m coming from the modular synth world where we do this all the time to create sequences that are related to each other from one master sequence or from a random generator or LFO.

Also - is there a note quantizer?


Let me think about that. I've just built something that does what you ask, but it's rather hideous, which usually suggests to me that there is a cleaner solution. I'll see if I can strip it down and get it into a single macro that I can upload for you.

When you say quantizer, did you mean in time, or in pitch, (or both?)
Architect, the modular MIDI toolkit, beta now available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.


Iirc I also made something like that , truth be said if I now look back at some of the things I made in Architect I wonder how I did it :lol: , my mind just explodes .
I really need to refresh the basics since It's been a while , I am so into supercollider right now (again :lol: ) .
One of the hardest programs to learn , especially if you're a non coder like me
Now that I think of it , if architect would be able to send midi messages over OSC to control supercollider that would be great .
Eyeball exchanging
Soul calibrating ..frequencies

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