REAPER: MIDI sends do not work

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For the purpose of VSTi synth layering I tried following setup:

track 1: midi-track (MIDI send to 2 and 3, audio receive from 2 and 3)
track 2: synth-A (audio send to 1, MIDI receive from 1, no master-send)
track 3: synth-B (audio send to 1, MIDI receive from 1, no master-send)

This should work or not? It's not working because the MIDI data is not being sent.

What's wong?


Although you're sending midi one way and audio the other, you need to enable feedback routing in the prefs to make that work. Enabling feedback routing will break PDC.

I send the audio somewhere else (folder track or bus) because I like PDC... It can also be done with a plugin like Blue Cat Connector which shouldn't break PDC.


Ah thanks, so it's a kind of bug, because it's not a real feedback loop.


Well, your track one could have an audio input VST that generated MIDI out -- so it's not a bug as such, there's potential for real MIDI feedback occurring.

Why not just have
1 -> 2&3
2&3 -> 4
and play safe?


Yes, this works.



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