Which Loudness Range? Statistics vs Integrated

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I have two different loudness ranges being reported by Acoustica Premium: 1) the loudness range from statistics (6.2 LU) and 2) integrated (3.8 LU).

What is the difference? And which one should I be considering as the actual loudness range of the clip?



First is short term loudness and the second one is integrated loudness. The difference is the first one happens short term and the integrated is average for the whole song. Either one is not the loudness *range*, just loudness. What you mean is *dynamic range* and that would be the difference between the highest and the lowest LUFS peaks either short term (LUFS-S) or integrated (LUFS-I). Integrated values (average for the whole song) are always more important and streaming services are rating loudness and dynamic range according to integrated LUFS value - LUFS-I.

Something to read: https://emastered.com/blog/what-are-lufs
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