VCV Rack

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Anyone here use VCV Rack inside of Mulab? I'm trying to split the stereo outs from VCV and send mono channels to multiple tracks. Mulab's stereo splitter doesn't work as expected. Any ideas?

I can accomplish this quite easily in Reaper.

It'd be nice if VCV would just offer the option of sending 16 mono outs instead of 8 stereo but it is what it is right now.



"doesn't work as expected" -- would you like to say what you expect and what difference from that you're seeing?

You should be expecting a single stereo audio signal to be split to a pair of stereo audio signals, one for the left channel in the original and one for the right channel in the original signal. (There may be some signal level adjustment applied, too, I don't remember.)


Yes, I should have been more explicit. Anyway, I got it sorted out. It was a screw up on my end. A couple of the modules in VCV rack weren't being triggered. I'm now getting a pair of stereo signals from the splitter.

@pljones, thanks for responding!

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