Komplete Kontrol: remove a plugin?

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I've Googled all sorts of permutations of this question and can't find an answer. Is it really impossible?

I recently cleared out a bunch of VST plugins (including some from NI) in an effort to "hone in" on the stuff I love the most. (...seriously, do I *need* 200 synths?)

...Komplete Kontrol ("KK", I'm on the latest version), however, still shows all of the synths I've removed. ...Is there really no way to remove them from the library.

I even tried DELETING the KK folder from my AppData/Local directory and reloading the app. This took An Age ... and it managed to repopulate synths that I no longer have installed (random example: Waves Element ... completely gone, yet KK shows it as an option).

...What am I doing wrong? Surely there is SOME way to remove unused plugins from the database.



I think, it looks at the nks presets you have installed not the actual plugins.
Not at my computer right now, but in preferences/setting I think you can see where those presets are.
Delete the ones from the instruments you no longer need.
sound sculptist


I loosely have something in mind, that you can do a rescan in the standalone application. Did you try that?


zvenx wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 10:54 am I think, it looks at the nks presets you have installed not the actual plugins.
Indeed, that helped, thanks. I managed to get rid of all of the non-existant libraries by using a third-party quick search on .nksf files on my system, then found/deleted the folders for plugins that I no longer have installed, then I nuked the KK directory from AppData/Local/Native Instruments, then I restarted KK and let it chew on what was left for 20 minutes.

Indeed, it looks much cleaner now. That was the trick.


...Kiiiiiiiiinda wish NI made this a little less obnoxious, but ... what are you gonna do?!

NOTE: The db still has my favourites stored, which is GREAT (I was worried about losing all of that work to find them), BUT it stores all of the favourite patches for synths that no longer exist, too. Sooooo... that's less than ideal. Would be nice if they were greyed out (or hidden, since the synth is missing). Alas, that is likely asking too much. I'll just stick to using favourites by synth.
SamDi wrote:I loosely have something in mind, that you can do a rescan in the standalone application. Did you try that?
Yes, of course. Bupkis. Complete waste of time. Less than useless.


....Aaaaaaaactually, even after all that, some unusable remnants remain, like Razor.

I guess there must be some "hidden" preset files laying around elsewhere (likely as part of NI's other Maschine packs, if I had to guess).

I also have some synths that I DID keep and yet they won't load in KK, (e.g.: PPG Wave 3.V) but that's nothing new. I just wish it were cleaner. :|

I can understand NI's desire to create an ecosystem they can "control," but, man... would it REALLY have been hard to stick to existing standards? All of the stuff it's trying to do (except the OGG previews) are totally achievable by any modern DAW, they could have just stuck to the usual tech.


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