Luna on Windows (open beta) released.

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion
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jens wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 8:59 pm nah, bad example - the PA ones are simply stereo and that's it - so if you load them on a mono track in Luna they should use the exact same number of cycles - as I mentioned in my previous post.
The PA strips change even with regards to function/UI in mono.

As for cpu usage in plugins, most plugins are not programmed to pointlessly process an extra unheard channel, while in mono mode, just to waste CPU, for fun. I'm sure there are some plugins out there that do just that, but it's not typical.

If you don't like having the option of using mono or stereo channels in Luna, or any other daw with the option, then perhaps they aren't a good fit for you. No big deal.
Last edited by KVRforumRulez on Thu May 23, 2024 1:36 am, edited 4 times in total.


Will def be giving this a trial run. Thanks for the heads-up.
I'm not a musician, but I've designed sounds that others use to make music.



Funk Dracula wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 10:15 pm Oh that was me. I've read a few times that the developers of Luna are former Pro Tools devs and the basics/straight forwardness of how Pro Tools operates is basically all there even down to having the same shortcuts.

It sounds like a solid program to recommend to a certain demographic from just knowing something like that. Being free sounds even better. Being more capable than Pro Tools Intro even better better. iLok tho? WOT? haha
Yeah, I see what you mean now. It is pretty straightforward, moreso than protools. But the actual feel of using it is not really like protools, because of it's more analog-esque mindset. It's fair to say Luna has it's own feel, in general, compared to other DAWs.

The iLok usage here, as far as Luna goes, is just a machine authorization. So, it can be used offline or whatever. Really nothing to worry about, to me at least.

Naturally, no copy protection is always a nice thing, but I need various commercial tools to pay the bills, so limiting my tools to freeware is not even close to a realistic option for me.


prene wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 3:18 am

Had my run and some thoughts.
You mentioned a CPU hit for certain plug-ins, etc. I wonder what the latency and CPU consumption differences are for the VST, UAD2 and Extensions versions of plug-ins. It's probably too early to do a comprehensive comparison since it's still in beta. But, I hope the VST versions are on par with other DAWs and aren't throttled in anyway.


Ok, as someone who used to make stuff in all daws: I'm impressed by Luna. Tiny disclaimer I also have a macbook air so ai used it before.
As a music teacher I have been looking for a good alternative for quite some time for beginner.
And luna and bandlab were always in consideration but only for mac os.
That Luna runs now on Windows is amazing.
It has some great sounds, a tape emulation, an amazing arpeggios and all basic functions to support you to make music.
Sure it needs ILok, which to set up is not always easy, but has gotten easier over time. TBH nowadays it takes me like 20 min to set up an account and registrations for new ILok users...
I think that it's free is a steal and that it's simple but feature-length enough is great.
Apart from sidechaining, quantizing, editing, mixing, recording, using fx and instruments what does a good daw need more?
(And yes sometimes I love to go overboard with rounting experiments and all crazy stuff, but in the end of I have tonbe quick I'll go simple.)


Starbright wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 12:31 am Apart from sidechaining, quantizing, editing, mixing, recording, using fx and instruments what does a good daw need more?
To not use iLok


there’s no hardware ilok and even though it installs some ilok program i didn’t have to sign up and mess around , and it can be used offline unlike polymax ( polymax uses ilok cloud ) and luna doesn’t come with standard fx like compressor eq but , there are so many free fx suites and plugins now it’s a minor thing as a lot of people use external fx anyway , the midi editing is different but i think i could get used to it , and after cakewalk leaving the free daw ring , it’s nice that we have a new contender , i would love to see behringers move next ,because when you have quality free daws like this, i feel like one day all daws will be free and plug ins and sounds will be how they get your cash .im up for that .


KVRforumRulez wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 6:41 pm Didn't see a thread about this anywhere on KVR. Open beta.

Free DAW.

note: the free version comes with a tape machine extension, and also a general-purpose virtual instrument of some sort. I haven't tried the latter, but the tape machine is real nice.
the free instrument has some really nice pro sounds , orchestral pianos drums


this looks like an excellent DAW. I'm glad it is available for Windows now.

Does someone know how to navigate between markers? Ctrl Alt ' and Ctrl Alt L don't work at my place.

Edit: I found the marker navigation on the SSL UF1, it's the left/right arrow keys. Still I would like to know the key commands.


Phil999 wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 11:40 am this looks like an excellent DAW. I'm glad it is available for Windows now.

Does someone know how to navigate between markers? Ctrl Alt ' and Ctrl Alt L don't work at my place.

Edit: I found the marker navigation on the SSL UF1, it's the left/right arrow keys. Still I would like to know the key commands.
Keyboard Shortcuts and Menu Reference (Windows) ... ce-Windows


the shape instrument sounds like a premium plugin mate sounds beautiful everything u need for a song


Unfortunately Luna is the only DAW that immediately crashes here right after initializing in Windows. Uninstalled.


Well it is a beta


Syngularity wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 1:01 pm Unfortunately Luna is the only DAW that immediately crashes here right after initializing in Windows. Uninstalled.
This daw is in beta, meaning you're a beta tester if you use it right now. That's why it has a bug-reporting function.

The biggest bugs for me currently are that some vsts cause problems when scanning for them on Luna open, though Luna seems to fix itself the next time it's run. Also some vsts are buggy/unusable/crashy within the program.

Honestly even non-beta DAWS have had a lot of problems getting every VST from every dev working at first (or ever, in some cases), so it's not a surprise.

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