Zebralette 3 Bug Reports

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Crash on Windows 10, Reaper 7.15, CLAP when exporting wavetable, and choosing "Show...". A Windows (file) explorer window opens correctly as the plugin crashed and takes the DAW down with it. Simply choosing "OK" does not cause a crash and continues as normal.


I get A LOT of crashes with Reaper so I run it as a dedicated process as to not take the whole DAW down, but even as a dedicated process that still happens more than I'd like.

This is related to separate process mode, but when I first load the plugin the UI is usually mangled with certain parts cut off. Closing and re-opening the plugin or switching to generic GUI mode and back fixes it. It happens with a few other plugins too, so might be something Cockos can fix.

Another issue is anytime I save a preset Reaper disappears and another program is given focus (as if I had used Alt+Tab.) If I use Win+D to minimize all other windows first this doesn't happen.

When the plugin is running in normal mode (shared process) and I save a preset there's a brief flash as if it minimized and returned to the Window so it seems like the "bug" is still there, but it doesn't really bug me.

Hopefully the next beta is more stable so running it sand-boxed isn't as necessary.


in bitwig when using the typing keyboard, the plugin keeps losing focus and I have to click the bitwig track over and over to get a note playing again.


Hi when exporting the wave and trying it in Vital, why does it sound different after importing it? Shouldn't it sound the same?


xtreme sounds wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 11:26 pm Hi when exporting the wave and trying it in Vital, why does it sound different after importing it? Shouldn't it sound the same?
The exported waveform is based on the raw shape of the edited waveform. The Zebralette 3 oscillator can interpret that shape as a spectrum instead, and that would not be present in the exported waveform.


I just started testing this and I think both the sound and the UI are excellent! I am using this with MTS/ESP, it's great that microtonal support is already there. However, I would like to report the following issue:

The transpose function does not work correctly on scales that aren't 12 notes per octave. Apparently the transpose value is applied to midi note number and not to pitch. When using a scale with more or less than 12 notes per octave, this completely throws off the intervals between the notes.

This is especially apparent because the INIT sound and many of the presets are transposed one octave down by default.

If you could make it so that your INIT sound and most of the presets would be on center pitch (no transpose), that would already make the synth a lot more microtonality-friendly. Ideally, I think transpose should be applied to tuning rather than midi note (so for instance a +7 transpose becomes a 700 cents increase in pitch).

By the way, this issue is not specific to Zebralette, it affects other u-he instruments as well. I use Hive 2 and it has the same behaviour (both through MTS-ESP and directly with tuning files). There it also affects the arpeggiator, which is apparently applied to midi notes rather than to pitch (meaning it is only useable with a 1 octave range if you don't use 12 notes per octave, which is understandable, but also quite a shame). It would be fantastic if you could improve the microtonal behaviour moving forward!


Arithmophone wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2024 9:05 am It would be fantastic if you could improve the microtonal behaviour moving forward!
Thanks, I'll create an improvement ticket in our bug-tracking system. But can't promise anything, as I don't know when we'll find the time to dive into the MTS-ESP stuff again.

Adjusting the behaviour of arps and sequencers might be especially tricky, as it would likely require significant changes to our MIDI logic and voice circuits (can of worms, lots of potential for things going wrong).
That QA guy from planet u-he.

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