Will A.I. rule the world?

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VOODOO U wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 4:33 am Why do people assume we came from monkeys?
you haven't studied evolutionary biology at all have you?
genomes and other such evidence tells the story.
Sure monkeys have similar traits to humans but snakes did not come from eels. Seagulls did not come from Pterodactyls. Chess did not come from Checkers.
correct, to a degree, snakes came from lizards, they even in some species have legs, tiny little vestigial spurs.
seagulls or gulls (they're not sea birds) came from therapods, the two legged upright dinosaurs, so you are correct there.

chess and checkers are non biological.


vurt wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 3:29 pm
VOODOO U wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 4:33 am Why do people assume we came from monkeys?
you haven't studied evolutionary biology at all have you?
genomes and other such evidence tells the story.
Sure monkeys have similar traits to humans but snakes did not come from eels. Seagulls did not come from Pterodactyls. Chess did not come from Checkers.
correct, to a degree, snakes came from lizards, they even in some species have legs, tiny little vestigial spurs.
seagulls or gulls (they're not sea birds) came from therapods, the two legged upright dinosaurs, so you are correct there.

chess and checkers are non biological.
Never mind all that guff. This thread is about artificial intelligence.


No, it's about Artificial Invaders, silicon-based.


Angry Imbeciles?


gaf_thit wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 4:31 pm No, it's about Artificial Invaders, silicon-based.


vurt wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 4:41 pm
gaf_thit wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 4:31 pm No, it's about Artificial Invaders, silicon-based.
'Alien Invasion', is an anagram of 'I envision anal'.

Coincidence? I think not. Wake up sheeple before teh probes up th'arse.


oh my.


Is your aunt giddy?


pardon me if i don't want to think of my aunt and anal :scared:
no matter how giddy she may be.

that said, i remember one new year, my auntie janet (married in to the family, poor woman) told us, in front of her 20/22 year old sons, how my uncle, enjoyed a thumb probing.


Lets go to the question again.
What exactly do you mean with : " .....rule the world"?
What could be a purpose an AI could have to .....rule the worlk?

Or do you want to know, if someone uses the AI to rule the world?


Alien insertion?


I think I've seen that movie.


gaf_thit wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 6:49 am I saw an UFO that were confirmed by several witnesses and the local airport back when I was about 8 years old, while out "kicking"(a form of ice-sled we used to use, which you stand behind and kick forward...) and looking for orcas.
Well there you go, it wasn't a UFO, it was a blimp - which is Japanese for "flying whale".
vurt wrote:you haven't studied evolutionary biology at all have you?
I seemed to have missed that in-between having a life and sleeping.
Let's be honest here, knowing whether we came from a monkey's tit or a banana slug isn't going to change the fact that we will continue to be an overly dramatic war-mongering virus that just happens to bake delicious cookies.
snakes came from lizards, they even in some species have legs,
Those are called lizards vurt.
tiny little vestigial spurs.
So snakes come from cowboys? So much for studying evolutionary biology.
donkey tugger wrote:'Alien Invasion', is an anagram of 'I envision anal'.
Ah. So an alien invasion has nothing to do with invading Earth, as in the "planet". Earth "ground" is referencing the anus (Uranus) and so Alien Invasion is about invading the human body by way of the ass. Kind of scary when you think how AIDS invades the body.
AIDS= Aliens In Deep Shit (literally).
classic wrote:What could be a purpose an AI could have to .....rule the worlk
I couldn't tell you because I have no f**king clue what a "worlk" is.
Or do you want to know, if someone uses the AI to rule the world?
I've said it, oh i dunno, six hundred million times? This thread is not about AI. I could care less about AI. The next person that talks about AI overtly admits to sleeping with a blow up doll dressed up like a cowboy.
gaf-thit wrote:Alien insertion?
osiris wrote:I think I've seen that movie.
Hate to be the one to break it to you but....that wasn't a movie. You're marked.


I don't think AI is a danger. It's when they pair it with something that can interact with the physical world. Can't wait for the AI controlled robot Police dogs. (Metalhead anyone?) Or even worse when they can put a chip in your head. (Your new Neuralink life awaits you) One of my favorite Outer Limits episode had the line: 'It's not that you made me smarter. It's when you gave me free will.'


osiris wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 1:49 pm I don't think AI is a danger. It's when they pair it with something that can interact with the physical world. Can't wait for the AI controlled robot Police dogs. (Metalhead anyone?) Or even worse when they can put a chip in your head. (Your new Neuralink life awaits you) One of my favorite Outer Limits episode had the line: 'It's not that you made me smarter. It's when you gave me free will.'
i thought boston dynamics were already selling the robot dog with a flamethrower?
if i dreamt that, i may need to contact my therapist...

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