All went great with my transaction with Axxor , nice & friendly - recommended!
Feedback Thread
- KVRist
- 160 posts since 21 May, 2014
- KVRist
- 45 posts since 12 Jan, 2022
Sold Liquidsonics Cinematic Rooms and Soothe 2 to JonSolo. Super cool easy transaction. Recommended!
- KVRer
- 1 posts since 29 Jul, 2008
I can't thank Spin Boyz enough for is sympathy and quick response.
***** 5 stars Seller and person.
***** 5 stars Seller and person.
- KVRer
- 12 posts since 2 Sep, 2018
Excellent transaction with Roman Wisniak, very fast follow through. Highly recommended!
- KVRian
- 584 posts since 28 Jul, 2003 from Poland
Nice and smooth transaction with Erichgschmidt Recommended!
el-bo (formerly ebow) el-bo (formerly ebow)
- 17172 posts since 24 May, 2009 from A galaxy, far far away
Right back atcha! Great dealings were had
- KVRer
- 20 posts since 19 Nov, 2019
Bought Arturia Pigments from ssel. quick and friendly communication, everything went smooth. Thank you
stephenbaishya stephenbaishya
- KVRist
- 211 posts since 25 Sep, 2004 from UK
Thank you lupino for quick payment and being an excellent buyer
- KVRer
- 15 posts since 20 May, 2019
I sold U-he Hive 2 to richtrelo. Reliable, excellent communication and very smooth transaction. As a seller, I couldn’t ask for more. Thank you!
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