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Last edited by codec_spurt on Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.


LawrenceF wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:30 am
reggie1979 wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 3:09 amHave 4 tracks you want to have FX to. You cannot group them to a bus or they will have the artifact of the FX showing through regardless of the bus setting. Make a bus "send" and you cannot effect the "sends" individually. This is EASY PEASY in Reason for example.
That's how mixers work in the real world. A post fader send to FX doesn't change it's level with the bus level as they're two independent things. That's one of the uses for VCA's to have remote control over mixer channels for situations like that.

For the most part, producers are mostly not engineers so some really basic routing solutions escape them. For example, look at the image below. The three different levels of aux sends feed bus 2 that's grouped to the other bus, and bus 2 feeds the FX, which keeps the relative FX return levels intact without a VCA. When you pull the string bus down, the relative send levels collected in bus 2 go down as well.

I don't care. I can have this in reason ALL day long. It's a shit bitch.


GreyLion wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:37 am Eh. I don't disagree with any of that, Intrancer. Still more hassle than it's worth to me, with too many potential gotchas involved. I own not a single piece of software that insists that I upgrade to Win10. A few have withdrawn support fo Win7, but none of them break when loaded in Win7. If it becomes a tsunami, I'll recalculate. Just so much easier to dump S1 right now if they go down that road.

I don't feel a need to chew on this isssue much. Will just wait and see.
The reason is that Microsoft themselves are dropping Windows 7 support on January 14 of 2020. It probably becomes more of hassle for Presonus to officially support Windows 7 at this point rather than just drop it altogether. Basically if Microsoft drops support it makes no sense for vendors to continue supporting it This time Microsoft has no interest in extending Win 7 support again.
Studio One // Bitwig // Logic Pro // Ableton // Reason // FLStudio // MPC // Force // Maschine


Not what I was referring to, apoclypse. The issue isn't that they're dropping support, it's that the Hub they've introduced, and are now demanding we use as the only way to download and authorize their software, is deliberately and unnecessarily broken for Win7 users, with no public notice. Many vendors are going to drop Win7 support, or have already done so. That's a different thing than expelling those customers who choose not to upgrade. I'm not a fan of global installers, in any case. It's not hard to give me an alternate link to download the actual program I've bought.

By all means, put it on the front page -- "Win 7 not supported, if you have problems, you're on your own, we won't troubleshoot, and don't say we didn't warn you." But you may have noticed that a lot of programs run under both OSes. There's nothing magically different in Win10.

This is not a technology issue. It's bean-counters, counting their beans.

But they have warned us, so I'm not bent about it. Just wish they'd chosen another way. Preparing to abandon the Studio One ship. It's not as if they have a corner on the market. Other devs will be happy to snap up the customers they no longer want.


It will still work in Windows 7 for the short term. The thing that won't as of now is Presonus Hub. I will keep Windows 7 offline on my old rig in the meantime and focus my work on my Windows 10 rig.

All you folk's dead set on dropping software because of lack of support for your prefered Windows OS take heed... The next version my be a cloud solution such as the way Protools has gone with First(and Windows 10 to some extent) where all that is required is an up to date browser or net connection.

Seriously there is more to worry about in the near future then desktop OS. Pretty soon they may become obselete and you be stuck with no upgrade solution other than what you decide to give up your principles on and get the hardware and OS necessary to use the latest and greatest. :?


CTStump wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2019 7:02 pm you folk's dead set on dropping software because of lack of support for your prefered Windows OS take heed... The next version my be a cloud solution such as the way Protools has gone with First(and Windows 10 to some extent) where all that is required is an up to date browser or net connection.
Yep. It sometimes seems that we're moving back toward the paradigm of the Eighties. Dumb terminals hooked into a central mainframe (or cluster) that does all the processing. That's pretty much Chromium in a nutshell. Gotta admit, I loved the keyboard on the 3270... :P

If that happens, I'm totally frozen in time. I live in a rural area with an Exede satellite link. Latency up to 2 seconds, 8 mbps bandwidth often, and a data cap at 60 GB.

Ah, well, the current versions of software aren't what's holding me back. I'm what's holding me back.


GreyLion wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2019 7:13 pm
Yep. It sometimes seems that we're moving back toward the paradigm of the Eighties. Dumb terminals hooked into a central mainframe (or cluster) that does all the proces
I myself will never trust my data to be safe outside MY own local drive... Not that it is that important to start with but who knows there may be a "Hit" in there that I dont know about that justin beaber or cardy b may get the Grammy for. :wink:


For a good part of the past few months since setting up Windows 10, I have for most of that time, been still comfortable working with Windows 7 as it still is the foundation in where everything I have stems from. Still, yet to create any music with Studio One in Windows 10 and won't until I make certain that recently purchased VST plugins work as they do with Windows 7. Apparently they do work on dual platforms, but I've yet to figure out the configuration setup to make that happen.

For 2D and 3D graphics with Cinema 4D, Photoshop CS6, Hitfilm, Davinci Resolve and really anything related to that area, all is good and incidently beneficial with being using the extra 4 gigabytes of ram I have. In the summer I needed to do some DIY on my CNPS10X Extreme CPU coolers wiring which prevented access to those extra DIMM slots to fit more ram in the future (due to the huge fan and slot location).

There is a noticeable performance improvement with the system not falling on the slower virtual memory of the hard disk buffer. Admittedly I do have a couple of extra hundred gigs of space allocated on the main 1 terabyte Windows 10 system drive, a Sapphire RX570 8 Gig graphics card which will take advantage of Windows 10's features and perhaps more effectively than Windows 7 does currently. Out of the box, Win10 does require some pinning down, brightness levels are about 20% brighter than Windows 7 and actually quite eye straining even when you've been accustomed to it. Further, colour recalibration of colour settings and setting up of background activities vie third party utilities feels par of the course when you do move over. It is worth the effort though…
Last edited by THE INTRANCER on Thu Dec 26, 2019 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
KVR S1-Thread | The Intrancersonic-Design Source > Program Resource | Studio One Resource | Music Gallery | 2D / 3D Sci-fi Art | GUI Projects | Animations | Photography | Film Docs | 80's Cartoons | Games | Music Hardware |


GreyLion wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2019 6:52 pm Not what I was referring to, apoclypse. The issue isn't that they're dropping support, it's that the Hub they've introduced, and are now demanding we use as the only way to download and authorize their software, is deliberately and unnecessarily broken for Win7 users, with no public notice. Many vendors are going to drop Win7 support, or have already done so. That's a different thing than expelling those customers who choose not to upgrade. I'm not a fan of global installers, in any case. It's not hard to give me an alternate link to download the actual program I've bought.

By all means, put it on the front page -- "Win 7 not supported, if you have problems, you're on your own, we won't troubleshoot, and don't say we didn't warn you." But you may have noticed that a lot of programs run under both OSes. There's nothing magically different in Win10.

This is not a technology issue. It's bean-counters, counting their beans.

But they have warned us, so I'm not bent about it. Just wish they'd chosen another way. Preparing to abandon the Studio One ship. It's not as if they have a corner on the market. Other devs will be happy to snap up the customers they no longer want.
It's not just bean counter thing, it's literally a "we don't want to support an OS that the vendor who makes the OS no longer supports either". That's just common sense. On MacOS they only support up to the last two version of the OS so I'm used to that happening far more frequently than Windows users. However I personally cannot understand sticking with an out of date OS, that will no longer even be patched. It doesn't really matter if you believe that Windows 10 and Windows 7 have no discernible differences (that's not really true there are a lot low level system changes that are vastly different in Windows 10 vs 7) what matters is that Microsoft is not keen on supporting Windows 7 forever just because some users don't feel like upgrading. It take resources that could be better spent elsewhere, the same applies by extension to Presonus.

Even if Presonus said don't call us about issues with Windows 7, users will complain and call about issues running their software in Windows 7. It's human nature. By literally cutting it off completely they avoid the issue entirely. Like I said on macOS this is a frequent occurrence. I would love to stick to older versions of macOS sometimes but if I want to keep upgrading my software I need to upgrade the OS as well because they constantly drop support for non supported OS versions which happens every two years.
Studio One // Bitwig // Logic Pro // Ableton // Reason // FLStudio // MPC // Force // Maschine


.... I think we're talking about two different things. And that's okay. But this one has dragged long enough that I think I'm out. I'm sure you're right about the things that you're right about.


With 1300 posts as of this thread and that of this post and as we are nearing 2020, it's probably as good a point as any in asking those who have not yet jumped on board yet as well as those who have in what they want to see in what has become an annual event and arrival major releases of the point zero kind. That's excluding the possibility that the Presonus developers may be abducted by aliens before that time.

KVR S1-Thread | The Intrancersonic-Design Source > Program Resource | Studio One Resource | Music Gallery | 2D / 3D Sci-fi Art | GUI Projects | Animations | Photography | Film Docs | 80's Cartoons | Games | Music Hardware |


reggie1979 wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2019 3:24 am
LawrenceF wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:30 am
reggie1979 wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 3:09 amHave 4 tracks you want to have FX to. You cannot group them to a bus or they will have the artifact of the FX showing through regardless of the bus setting. Make a bus "send" and you cannot effect the "sends" individually. This is EASY PEASY in Reason for example.
That's how mixers work in the real world. A post fader send to FX doesn't change it's level with the bus level as they're two independent things. That's one of the uses for VCA's to have remote control over mixer channels for situations like that.

For the most part, producers are mostly not engineers so some really basic routing solutions escape them. For example, look at the image below. The three different levels of aux sends feed bus 2 that's grouped to the other bus, and bus 2 feeds the FX, which keeps the relative FX return levels intact without a VCA. When you pull the string bus down, the relative send levels collected in bus 2 go down as well.

I don't care. I can have this in reason ALL day long. It's a shit bitch.
tbh I read your initial complaint several times and still have no idea what you mean. I use both Reason and Studio One b.t.w.


THE INTRANCER wrote: Fri Dec 27, 2019 5:40 am With 1300 posts as of this thread and that of this post and as we are nearing 2020, it's probably as good a point as any in asking those who have not yet jumped on board yet as well as those who have in what they want to see in what has become an annual event and arrival major releases of the point zero kind. That's excluding the possibility that the Presonus developers may be abducted by aliens before that time.

Coming from Ableton, these are the things that Ableton does so much better that I wish S1 had:
  • Ability to select and toggle multiple inserts at the same time. Maybe a grouping system.
  • Better High DPI plugin scaling. Some vendors plugins break when you try to scale them on Windows (like basically any Waves plugin). Ableton does it no problem for any plugin I've ever tried.
  • Better way to send MIDI to other tracks.


Last edited by codec_spurt on Fri Feb 28, 2020 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total.


codec_spurt wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 11:21 pm I'll post the Expander and ReaGate templates for Studio One in the next few days.

So... Anyway...
http://www.mediafire.com/file/7pmrj79fh ... R.zip/file
Looking at this from a general user of this thread, I think most people just need a short simple paragraph of what this does, how to use it and a reason why one would find it useful. For your own reference it's fine as you know what your talking about, but you can lose people with an over abundance of information which may go over the general users head, and may be too convoluted or seemingly complex. Creating a short narrated video and explaining what it does would be another option to consider.. :wink:
KVR S1-Thread | The Intrancersonic-Design Source > Program Resource | Studio One Resource | Music Gallery | 2D / 3D Sci-fi Art | GUI Projects | Animations | Photography | Film Docs | 80's Cartoons | Games | Music Hardware |


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