EQ merge at 96Hz creates loud noise when switching to 44.1K



kylen wrote:Looks like Customer Support isn't your job either - if you don't like customers just say so. I've given you ample opportunity to make a note that says gone fishing or something. Instead you choose to be a smart ass. Fine I'll remember this... :x
My previous comments were meant in a light hearted way. I'm not in the habit of knowingly insulting my customers.

I don't consider this forum the official place for customer support. Requests I receive via the contact page or the supplied email address are the official route. In those cases there was an auto-response which informed that we were closed for vacation (or at a conference). I don't find it wise to broadcast precisely when the premises are empty.

Some things to consider:
  • I have a single request, from kylen, with respect to this issue - no others are reporting problems.
  • When I am not able to respond immediately it is suggested that you revert to the previous release until I have had time to investigate your problem.
Taking these into consideration, I then prioritize what I need to work on. As you might expect, having been away for the best part of 3 weeks, I have some catching up to do.


Space Boy wrote:My previous comments were meant in a light hearted way. I'm not in the habit of knowingly insulting my customers.
Now that you've explained it's a joke then - haha very funny!
Space Boy wrote: I don't consider this forum the official place for customer support. Requests I receive via the contact page or the supplied email address are the official route. In those cases there was an auto-response which informed that we were closed for vacation (or at a conference). I don't find it wise to broadcast precisely when the premises are empty.
What is this forum for then? I have been putting my support requests in here. Looks like I should have been using the official support channel.
Space Boy wrote: Some things to consider:
  • I have a single request, from kylen, with respect to this issue - no others are reporting problems.
  • When I am not able to respond immediately it is suggested that you revert to the previous release until I have had time to investigate your problem.
Taking these into consideration, I then prioritize what I need to work on. As you might expect, having been away for the best part of 3 weeks, I have some catching up to do.
OK this is all understood - I could've put in an offical support request, tried the old version to see if the symptoms are there back in April if I knew what you were thinking. The auto-response would've told me you were on vacation if I had used the support channel.

There you go folks - communications breakdown! :)


kylen wrote:There you go folks - [a one way] communications breakdown! :)
Gee :idiot: ya :idiot: think :idiot: ?
Jens, "B.t.w.: it appears I was wrong"


Well yeah - but who are you calling an idiot and why? What's your take?


Jens, "B.t.w.: it appears I was wrong"


That's what I thought... :hihi:


I have a fix to try.

Kylen, are you interested to try?

If so, please send me an email.


Space Boy wrote:I have a fix to try.

Kylen, are you interested to try?

If so, please send me an email.
Yes sir! I'm moving this weekend but I can fit it in I believe - I think it was easy for me to recreate.


Hi Space Boy - I don't get any loud glitches after capturing and matching a few EQ curves. Good job - it looks like a fix for that symptom to me!


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