Whats coming next in Zebra ?

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hi, some questions that may be silly.... but is there a way to save your arpeggiator settings or settings of any module so you can easily import it in another patch?


zvenx wrote:hi, some questions that may be silly.... but is there a way to save your arpeggiator settings or settings of any module so you can easily import it in another patch?
I don't know of a way to do that. You could just open a second instance of Zebra, and copy by sight from the arp that you want, or write the settings down on paper. Of course that's just a work around.


MCnoone wrote:
zvenx wrote:hi, some questions that may be silly.... but is there a way to save your arpeggiator settings or settings of any module so you can easily import it in another patch?
I don't know of a way to do that. You could just open a second instance of Zebra, and copy by sight from the arp that you want, or write the settings down on paper. Of course that's just a work around.
ok.... unfortunately I am comparing it to spectrasonics new synth which allows all of this, and I was hoping zebra can too or will too.


currently no arp save options :( AFAIK,

but if we all bug Urs enough it might pop up :)



zvenx wrote:is there a way to save your arpeggiator settings or settings of any module so you can easily import it in another patch?
You could copy the appropriate section from one .h2p file to another. Of course, that would be easier if the documentation was more complete... :P
Most people wouldn't know good music if it bit them in the ass. –FZ


Arp presets are on my to-do list. Along with switchable patterns, maybe 8 or so.


great. thanks looking forward to it.. how about saving presets of other modules?
yes I bought the program less than an hour and I am already being pushy :-)


Urs wrote:Arp presets are on my to-do list. Along with switchable patterns, maybe 8 or so.
You are are good! I'll definitely put in my voice for save-able arp presets.
Now Somewhat Retired


I have to admit the arp is something I never touch on Zebra. I just don't like the interface at all and find it hard to work with. Some presets would at least make it more usable for me.


aMUSEd wrote:I have to admit the arp is something I never touch on Zebra. I just don't like the interface at all and find it hard to work with.
same here, but then i could say that for most synths, im not an arp fan really


I always prefer using the arp functions of the host instead. I'd lose my mind otherwise, when switching between sounds/synths it's the only logical solution


aMUSEd wrote:I have to admit the arp is something I never touch on Zebra. I just don't like the interface at all and find it hard to work with. Some presets would at least make it more usable for me.
I think that while the "basic" structure of the arp is sort of tough to set up (I'd rather prefer some pianoroll-ish solution as in, say, Energy XT), once you got something going, the possibilities are mind-blowing, simply because of the arp modulator. And tetsuneko, there's no replacement for that when using your host's arpeggiator (you'll have a tough time modulating synth parameters freely when using host arpeggiators).

- Sascha
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.


And fwiw, here's a little Zebra arpeggio sound. Two chords and a little ModWheel action (plus, an extremely simple patch in general):
Personally, I just love such kinda stuff.
(Btw, the drum loop in the background is a one-shot Zebra patch as well, done with MSEGs, could probably be improved.)

- Sascha
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.


Urs wrote:Arp presets are on my to-do list. Along with switchable patterns, maybe 8 or so.
I don't suppose you'd be up to making it 12 and having the ability to switch patterns using one octave on a midi keyboard as keyswitches?

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