How to stop procrastinating / dopamine addiction and become more productive with music production?

Anything about MUSIC but doesn't fit into the forums above.


well, i'm not procrastinating
i'm doing it
speed scrabble

oh you mean songwriting
i know what you mean
lotsa procrastination there
one of these days you just got to get going and write some
just like that
oh yeah
ah böwakawa poussé poussé


This is one of those things where you can't wait until you're "ready" because actually doing it is what makes you ready.

Open up your DAW, put some synths and effects in it and make some noise. Have fun, don't worry too much about results or goals.

Ask yourself what the point of music is. Is it to be productive? Nope. It's to have fun. (Or as Basquiat said, "art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time".)

If you want to apply some discipline to it: record something at least once a week. Or finish a track once a week, post it on your blog or SoundCloud or whatever. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PERFECT. Or even good. It just has to get done. Good will start to come naturally as you get more practice, and the flow gets easier too.
Last edited by foosnark on Mon Feb 05, 2024 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.


Any advice?
1. Don't write anything you don't want to write. DON'T DO IT!!
2. When you feel the urge to play video games, make sure to stop that BEFORE you start writing instead.
3. Being interested in new plugins and software for music creation is normal. But never let what's normal interfere with what is NOT normal because that's not normal.
5. Do step 4 at least three times a day before starting step five.
6. A DAW is a DAW is a DAW is a DAW but that doesn't mean you have to. So don't!!! But do it anyways. Because if you don't you won't and if you won't then you don't and you can't do that if you won't (so don't).
7. Always ALWAYS remember, music is meant to be what it is. With that in mind, keep the ancient saying of the Chinese in mind:
"Qi Chiu Wa. Dan Cha Qi Go Chi Wa."
I'm not sure what the translation is because I don't speak Hong Kong. But do it anyways.

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