Zen features requests

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Big Tick wrote:maybe it could be automated, though, something like dropping a .dll in the plugins list.
Actually, you know what.... I just did a quick test and it seems to work perfectly ! So I think I can squeeze this feature in for the 1.6 release. This means the end of the zenification requests list !


Just a small one. One tag I desperately miss, is 'Arpeggio' or 'ARP'. Anyway, thanks for a great product!


If you can justify the difference between ARP and Loops (where all ARPS are stored at the moment), I'll get it added immediately :)


In my opinion, the term "loops" is generally used for samples with looped content, not for arpegiated synth presets...


Done - the new tag will appear the next time you set Zen online. Now... I'll need volunteers to properly retag the presets that ended up in the Loop category....


A big thanks to you, BigTick! If only every developer reacted so fast on user ideas. Keep up the good work! Regards Jan


Can I, and how, reset the Location of Plugin.ll to "None", so that I can try different dlls for a Plugin (considering Automap, jbridge etc. to test)?

Now, once a dll is selected, I can't Change it anymore...

BTW: the Vol Control is completely invisible when Set to 0, may Be you indicate its existence? ;-)


TabSel wrote:Can I, and how, reset the Location of Plugin.ll to "None", so that I can try different dlls for a Plugin (considering Automap, jbridge etc. to test)?

Now, once a dll is selected, I can't Change it anymore...
Just move the dll away - Zen won't be able to find it and will prompt for a new one.
TabSel wrote:BTW: the Vol Control is completely invisible when Set to 0, may Be you indicate its existence? ;-)
Yes :)


now If I ever find the right dll... as I'm doing some tricks here with automapping and jbridging at the same time and have multiple dll's of the same name... couldn't it be made easier? Right click to allways locate plugin...

However I tried it with Abysnth. Loading the Native "Absynth 5 Stereo.dll" works. Loading the Automap wrapped plugin "Absynth 5 Stereo (Automap).dll" didn't work. (Loading error, Effect Type mismatch or something similar)

So, Zen, which is something like a "plugin wrapper" can not load Automapped Plugins, whereas other x32 hosts can... Bummer...


Well, actually, it can load them - if you drop the automap wrapped dll into the plugins list, it should accept it. However, it won't recognize it as something that accepts Absynth presets, because it seems that the automap wrapper modified the effect ID, which is something very stupid indeed.

I'm actually curious about the ID that automap assigns. Could you do something for me ? Load the automap-wrapped absynth in Tobybear's minihost, and use minihost to save a fxp. Then send me this fxp ?

Anyway, I think I will add a per-plugin option to disable the FXID checks. You will simply have to be careful with it, because you could then instruct Zen to send, say, Absynth presets to ACE, with obviously unwanted results :)



Oh and btw, I add forgotten about this - you can clear the currently stored dll path by ctrl-clicking the plugin name in the settings page.


Now this is ergonomics *ggg*

I'll do some more testing as I previously had issues with other Hosts that loaded automapped plugs where the wrapper dll could Not load the right dll...

Zen say "Plugin load Error", ID given back (Second Message) was "000000000"...


worked now. Still don't know why sometimes different hosts can't load automapped plugs, sorry.

One thing please: Remember the last position of a plugin GUI on open, and provide mousewheel/key/midi commands to toggle plugin GUI window and/or navigating through tag lists/presets...

plus: can it be possible to "focus" the plug GUI without opening it's GUI, so that Automap Devices automatically switch focus to the plugin, without having to open the gui?

Restoring dll path with ctrl-click on plug in settings doesn't work for me.


Wow first I jus want to say what a great plug.
I didnt quite "get it" when it first came but know I only open zen and then my vst :)

One FR/or question, when I select a synth , all other in the list disaspear, along with all the tag(that is if the synth I selected dosent have tags)
Why not keep the list , I mean the selected plug is highlighted, so if I wanna select another synth I first have to click on the synth I select before to get the full list.......
Hopefully I am making myself clear here.
Simple and repetive are my middle names


You simply need to expand the synths list using the little triangle next to "Plugins". This way the synths will be displayed, even if there is no match (which is obviously the case when you add a synth to your filters list).


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